and Adoption of the 2013 Florida Building Code
2011 Legislative changes to the Code
Change process – HB 849
Expired amendments
Florida specific amendments currently in the 2010
FBC will expire as of the effective date of the 2013 FBC.
Florida specific amendments required to
be carried forward to the 2013 FBC
Amendments related to state agency
Amendments related to the wind
resistance design of buildings and structures within the High-Velocity
Hurricane Zone.
Resubmittal of an expired amendment
The 2011 Florida Legislature amended the approval
criteria for accepting code change proposals to include the following criteria:
The provisions
contained in the proposed amendment are addressed in the applicable
international code.
The amendment
demonstrates by evidence of data that the geographical jurisdiction of the
Florida exhibits a need to strengthen the foundation code beyond the needs or
regional variations addressed by the foundation code, why the proposed
amendment applies to the state.
The proposed amendment
was submitted or attempted to be included in the foundation codes to avoid
resubmission to the Florida Building Code amendment process.
Proposed Scope of Work - Approach
specific amendments required to be carried forward to the 2013 FBC
Amendments related to state agency
Amendments related to the wind
resistance design of buildings and structures within the High-Velocity
Hurricane Zone.
Staff will correlate and publish the
current state agency regulations as a supplement to the 2012 I-Codes.
Staff will work closely
with Miami-Dade and Broward Counties’ staff to develop a supplement to the 2012
I-Codes which will consist of those amendments related to wind resistance
design of buildings and structures for application within the HVHZ.
specific code changes mandated by law – with no pre-evaluation required:
Chapter 1: Administration – correlation
with the law including Commission’s initiatives.
Florida Accessibility Code
Airport noise standard
mitigation / opening protection
Mechanical equipment on roof
IRC/R313 – fire sprinkler not to be
included in the FBC
Group S2 occupancies of Type II
construction - calculation mezzanines area
Fire protection – Mini-warehouses
Carbon monoxide
Building less than 400 SF – door
Roofing – permitting aggregate on roofs
Private swimming pools and correlation
with Ch. 515, FS.
Plumbing – potty parity
Threshold building act.
Commission’s interpretations,
declaratory statements, local technical amendments
Approach: Staff
will correlate the above stated Florida specific changes with the 2012 I-Codes
and propose them as part of the code change process for the updated code.
specific code changes mandated by law – with pre-evaluation required:
correlation between the FFPC and FBC (Florida Law)
Approach: Conduct a comprehensive comparison of the 2012 changes to
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 Life Safety Code and the
2012 International Building Code, including reference standards, for the
purpose of determining potential conflicts and necessary changes to both the
proposed 2013 Florida Fire Prevention Code (FFPC) and 2013 Florida Building
Code (FBC) for the purpose of making both codes consistent. Please note that a conflict
for the purpose of this study is defined as a construction specification such
as a dimension in one code that would prevent compliance with the other code;
Review the current (2010 FBC- Building, Existing, and
Mechanical) Florida specific changes “fire and life safety code correlation
“modifications” against the 2012 (NFPA 101) and the 2012 IBC changes and
determine whether an existing correlation is not covered by the updated codes
and should be proposed for the 2013 FBC.
Determine specific code correlation “modifications”
necessary to make both the 2013 FFPC and the 2013 FBC consistent and propose
such modification through the BCIS/code modification module for consideration
by the Commission during the upcoming code update.
Present the outcome of this study to the Department and the
Joint Fire TAC/Fire Code Advisory Council for consideration no later than April
1, 2012.
of the Florida Energy Code
IECC must be modified
by the Commission to maintain the efficiencies of the Florida Energy Code
(Florida Law)
Approach: Staff will develop a list of efficiencies
for the Florida Energy Code similar to those in the 2010 FBC, Energy
Conservation and present the list to the Energy TAC for review and approval.
Staff will correlate the
approved efficiencies with the 2012 IECC and submit them for consideration
during the upcoming code change process.
Specific changes – Commission/Workgroup initiatives;
Residential/IRC – adapting the IRC to Florida (high
wind area)
Building/Residential – Florida specific wind
resistance / water infiltration / flood standards (Roofing, wind loads, windows
and doors testing and labeling, …etc.)
Approach: Staff
will identify a list of Florida specific changes on this subject and coordinate
with the specific interest groups for submittal and consideration during the
upcoming code change process.
Removal of seismic and snow provisions from the
foundation code
Approach: Staff
will continue to remove such requirements from the FBC or in place of removing
these provisions from the Code, include a statement in the preface to clarify
that seismic and snow provisions are not part of the Code.