Accessibility Waiver form for :

Park Central Hotel


1. Name and address of project for which the waiver is requested:




Zip Code:



Local Building Department Contact Information

Contact Name:



Zip Code:




Applicant Information:

2. Name of Applicant. If other than the owner, please indicate relationship of applicant to owner in space provided:

Please correct the following issues:

First Name:

Last Name:




Zip code:




Relationship to owner:


Owner Information:


3. Please enter the owner information below. If the owner and the applicant are not the same person, please upload a written authorization by owner in space provided:

Please correct the following issues:

Please check if applicant is also the owner.

Owner First Name:
Park Central Partners, LLC


Owner Last Name:
c/o Bercow Radell & Fernandez




Zip code:




Written Authorization:

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Project and Facility Type:

Please correct the following issues:

4. Please check one of the following:


New construction.

Addition to a building or facility

Alteration to an existing building or facility

Historical preservation (addition)

Historical preservation (alteration)

5. Type of facility. Please describe the building (square footage, number of floors). Define the use of the building (i.e., restaurant, office, retail, recreation, hotel/motel, etc.)








# of Floors:

Square Feet:

The property consists of 3 historic structures: the Park Central Hotel (640 Ocean Drive), the Heathcote (626 Ocean Drive), and the Imperial (650 Ocean Drive). These structures are being developed into one hotel complex. The Heathcote is 3 stories in height and approximately 7,680 square feet. The Park Central is 7 stories in height and approximately 37,118 square feet. The Imperial is 3 stories in height and approximately 16,044 square feet.


Construction Cost:

Please correct the following issues:

6. Project Construction Cost (Provide cost for new construction, the addition, or the alteration):

The Applicant is renovating the three historic buildings at a cost of approximately 5,328,667.


$ 1,455,217 (Heathcote)

$ 2,586,465 (Park Central)

$ 1,286,985 (Imperial)

Total: 5,328,667



Construction Cost upload:

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7. Has there been any construction activity on this building during the past three years?



Cost of Construction:



Building Official Recommendation upload:

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Construction Status:

8. Project Status: Please check the phase of construction that best describes your project at the time of this application. Describe status.


Under Design

Under Construction

In Plan Review


*Briefly explain why the request has now been referred to the Commission.

Building Permits have been applied for each of the three historic structures separately (B1404480, B1404266, B1404479).  As the Project moves forward these Building Permits, and ultimately the three properties will be combined into one hotel complex. As part of the approval to preserve the historic structures (HPB Order 7408), the owner requires a waiver of the vertical accessibility requirement for a portion of the hotel restaurant on the ground floor of the Park Central and for all levels above the ground floor.


Historic Resource Reports can be found here:


Requirements to be Waived.

Please correct the following issues:

9. Requirements requested to be waived. Please reference the applicable section of Florida law. Only Florida-specific accessibility requirements may be waived.

Issue 1: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Door opening pressure Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other


Description: Requirement pursuant to Section 553.509, Florida Statutes, and Section 201.1 Florida Administrative Code, for vertical accessibility to a portion of the ground floor restaurant in the Park Central and all levels above the occupiable grade level for the Heathcote, Park Central, and Imperial.




Issue 2: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Door opening pressure Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other


Issue 3: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Door opening pressure Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other



Grounds for waiver.

Please correct the following issues:

10. Grounds for Waiver: The Florida Building Commission may grant waivers of Florida-specific accessibility requirements upon a determination of unnecessary, unreasonable or extreme hardship. Please describe how this project meets the following hardship criteria. Explain all that would apply for consideration of granting the waiver.

NOTE:**Please select at least one checkbox below.

The hardship is caused by a condition or set of conditions affecting the owner which does not affect owners in general.


The Heathcote was constructed in 1931, the Park Central in 1937, and the Imperial in 1939. The layout and design of these buildings unfortunately do not provide enough space to accomodate all the measures necessary to bring the historic structures up to today's accessibility standards. The Heathcote contains no elevator, while the Park Central and the Imperial contain smaller elevators which do not meet today's standards. The Park Central was designed with a unique set of 3 internal terraces; 2 of these have been made accesssible for the public, however it is not possible to make the 3rd level accessible and a waiver of vertical accessibility is requested for that area. Installation of elevators, lifts and/or ramps will destroy the historic integrity of the 3 buildings.



Substantial financial costs will be incurred by the owner if the waiver is denied. The owner has made a diligent investigation into the costs of compliance with the code, but cannot find an efficient mode of compliance. Provide detailed cost estimates and, where appropriate, photographs. Cost estimates must include bids and quotes.

Two sets of estimates for ADA accessibility are provided: two estimates for becoming fully ADA compliant, and two estimates for just the elevator work for the Park Central and the Imperial. There is currently no elevator at all in the Heathcote, and adding an elevator, as contemplated in the fully ADA compliant estimates would severly detract from, if not destroy the design and layout of the small historic structure. The Applicant will provide ramps and lifts to access to all areas aside from the upper tier of the restaurant. All required ADA accessible rooms are provided. Heathcote 1,244,941/ 1,455,217 = 0.855 or 85%; Park Central 974,266/ 2,586,465 = 0.377 or 38%; Imperial 723,271/ 1,286,985 = 0.562 or 56%.  Totals: 2942478/ 5328667 = 0.552 or 55%




Cost Estimates For Compliance:

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Historic Building on which compliance with the requirements for accessibility is not feasible while maintaining historically significant features.

Please provide documentation of the designation of the building as historically significant.


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Licensed Design Professional Comments.

11. Licensed Design Professional: Where a licensed design professional has designed the project, his or her comments including his or her signature and professional seal MUST be uploaded.

Please correct the following issues:

These is no design professional is engaged on the project

Professional Comments

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Please find design documents attached



Design Professional First Name: Design Professional Last Name: Street Address: City: State:

Zip: Email Address: Phone:


Additional Documentation.

12. Upload Additional Documentation: Please upload any documentation such as plans, photographs and anything that will assist the Council and the Commission to determine the appropriate resolution of your request.



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