8thEdition (2023) FBC Code Update Development Tasks


8th Edition (2023) Update to the Florida Building Code—



Selection of the model codes:


    2020 NEC published and available to the public;


    2021 International Codes published and available to the public;

January 2021

    Commission selects 2021 I Codes “model codes” and 2020 NEC to conduct its review



Review of the model code changes:


In coordination with ICC, staff post complete listing of the code changes to the I Codes online



Staff post on Commission website/Building Code Information System (BCIS) analysis of the 2021 I-Code change to provide for identification of  the following:


-  Provisions which overlap with the provisions of the FBC

-  Provisions which correlate directly with the provisions of the FBC

-  Provisions which provide for energy efficiency standards that meet or

   exceed the national energy standards mandated by Title III of the Energy

   Conservation and Protection Act

-  Provisions which are necessary to maintain eligibility for federal funding

   and discounts from the National Flood Insurance Program, the Federal

   Emergency management Agency, or the United States Department of

   Housing and Urban Development




Residential Construction Cost Impact Workgroup (RCCIWG) reviews the 2021 changes to the International Residential Code (IRC) and provides comments to the Commission’s TACs on impactful code changes.


RCCIWG meeting – on-site meeting (TBD)


45 day public review and comment period ends (By Rule -45 day min before TAC review)



Staff post on Commission website analysis of the 2021 I-Code changes with public comments


(Tracking Charts and code change monographs)




TACs review the 2021 changes to the I Codes and make recommendations to the Commission regarding those changes as follows:


That the Commission rejects certain model code provisions by consent agenda.


              (Due to such issues as being unnecessary, negatively impacting the level of public

               health, safety, or general welfare provided by an existing Florida Building Code

               provision, diminishing the requirements of provisions related to wind resistance or

               water intrusion, unnecessarily imposing additional costs, or potentially requiring

               modification or further investigation before being adopted for use in this state)


That the Commission approves certain model code provisions by consent agenda.


            (When considering whether to recommend inclusion on a consent agenda for

               approval, the TACs shall consider such criteria as whether the model code

               provisions are editorial or organizational in nature, correct an error, provide  

               clarification, provide for alternative design methods, improve the effectiveness of

               the code,  are uncontroversial to affected stakeholders, or are required by law.)


That the Commission approve or reject certain model code provisions after considering them individually


               (When recommending individual consideration of model code updates, the TACs

                shall consider such criteria as whether the update has the potential to impose

                significant costs, cause confusion or regulatory difficulty, may be unnecessary, is

                 highly controversial to affected stakeholders, or requires further evaluation.)


TACs meetings – on site - TBD


Staff post TACs’ recommendations online for further public review


Deadline for requesting amendments (2021 I-Codes changes) to be pulled of the consent agenda for individual consideration 



Commission considers TACs’ recommendations regarding the latest changes to the model codes -  on site meeting (TBD)



Staff post Commission’s recommendations online



Proposed modification to the foundation code and Commission’s approved I –Codes changes


Period for public to propose modifications to the 7th Edition (2020) FBC and the Commission’s approved I-Codes changes  

1/4/2022 – 2/15/2022


Proposed amendments reviewed by staff and posted to the Commission website



1st 45 day comment period ends (By law -45 day min before TAC review)



Staff post on Commission website proposed code changes (Tracking Charts and Detail Reports)



    TACs consider proposed modifications (1st 45 day comment period)

TACs meetings - 4-day on-site meetings



TACs recommendations posted to the website Starting date for the 2nd 45 day comment period



Residential Construction Cost Impact Workgroup (RCCIWG) reviews the TACs’ recommendations with regard to the proposed modifications to the Florida Residential Code (FRC) and provides comments to the TACs/Commission on impactful code changes.


RCCIWG meeting – on-site meeting (TBD)


2nd 45 day comment period ends (by law – 45 day min before Commission review)



Staff post on Commission website proposed code changes with comments (Tracking Chats and Details Reports)



TACs consider public comments on their actions on the proposed mods

TACs meetings – 4-day meetings [2-day on-site (TBD) and 2 – day via conference/webinar] – As needed and as applicable



Staff post on Commission website TACs consideration of public comments



    Commission considers TAC recommendations (2nd 45 day comment period)

Commission – 2-day meeting




   8th Edition (2023) FBC (7th Edition (2020) FBC, Florida Supplement and Commission’s approved I Codes) posted online




Provide Supplements to ICC for integration into the 7th Edition (2020) FBC


TACs review comments to Rule Development Workshop of March 13, 2020 and make recommendations to the Commission


TACs meetings - 3-day on-site meetings and 3-day conference call/webinar meetings



Rule development Workshop


Commission – 1-day meeting


March 13, 2023


Integrated Draft 8th Edition (2023) FBC – Posted online


May 22, 2023


Hearing on 8th Edition (2023) FBC to consider received comments



Final Rule Hearing on 8th Edition (2023) FBC/Commission approves final version of Code

8th Edition (2023) Florida Fire Prevention Code available in final format



    Rule Submitted to Secretary of State and Supplement/Integrated posted online –  subject to addressing all JAPC’s concerns


    Final FBC -PDF posted


    Printed Code available  - subject to negotiation with ICC


    2023 FBC (8th edition) effective date (6 – months after publication)




553.73(7)(e) A rule updating the Florida Building Code in accordance with this subsection shall take effect no sooner than 6 months after publication of the updated code. Any amendment to the Florida Building Code which is adopted upon a finding by the commission that the amendment is necessary to protect the public from immediate threat of harm takes effect immediately.