Education Administrator Activity Report

(February 8, 2007 – March 22, 2007)


The following information represents the activities that the Education Administrator performed between February 8, 2007, and March 22, 2007 (30 work days).


Phone Calls

Approximately 150 phone calls were taken and/or responded to between 2/08/07 and 3/22/07. They lasted in length from 1-2 minutes to 10 minutes. Approximately two thirds of the calls were logged, with approximately one – third being handled away from the office. Probably 5 - 10 % of the calls were from other states. The major areas of inquiry for the calls are listed below with approximate percentages representing how many of a particular call were handled.


  • Where to find a 2 hour course---for architects and interior designers (40%)
  • Where to find the 4 hour core course (10%)
  • What courses do I need to fulfill my licensure requirements (10 %?)
  • Where to find online courses (20%)
  • Where to find courses in general (<5%)
  • Where to find an accreditor (<5%)
  • How to submit a course to an accreditor (<5%)



Approximately 100 emails were responded to between 2/08/07 and 3/22/07. The same kinds of areas were covered with emails as the above phone calls reflect. At least 40 % of the emails were asking “where to find a two-hour advanced course for architects or interior designers”.


CILB Meeting Presentation

A presentation was given to training providers who were attending a CILB sponsored meeting on March 14, 2007, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Approximately 150 providers were in attendance at the meeting. A few of the topics presented were:

  • An explanation of the accreditation process
  • How to register on the BCIS as a provider
  • Course development information
  • Where to find the 2006 Supplement, to be used to update courses
  • How to buy a course
  • Etc.



  • Developed March 2007 POC agenda
  • Set a meeting date of April 9, 2007, in Orlando, Fla., to gain input from providers and accreditors regarding the updating of the training and accreditation modules in the BCIS.
  • Researching ways to make training related BCIS web pages more user friendly, including placing online procedures (such as how to find an accreditor) on the training page where it is more easily accessible



Prepared By Michael Clark

Education Administrator (850.766.2023)