March 6, 2012
10:00 am – 11:34 am
Conference Call
Number: 1-888-808-6959
Code: 1332287494
Room 250L,
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida.
· To consider and discuss requests for Declaratory
Statements and other business for the Commission
Technical Advisory
Committee members present Christopher Schulte, Chairman; Billy Cone;
Lorraine Ross; Karen Warseck;
James Buckner; Charles Goldsmith; Mark Zehnal; Bob
1. Called to Order-reviewed and approved the agenda and April 2011
2. Reviewed and discuss the following requests for Declaratory
Statements ad deferred from the Product Approval Program Oversight Committee:
A. DS2011-096 by Mr. Jeffrey Cooper, Chief Operating Officer,
The petitioner provided a brief summary describing the product in
question as a roofing maintenance product and not for structural
use. The TAC reviewed and discussed the petition and took the
following action:
Question: Does the EPOX-Z cool roof coating product fall
within the scope of Rule 9N-3?
Answer: Yes, the product in question is a roofing system and
thus falls within the scope of Rule 9N-3.
However, approval of this product is subject to approval under the local
authority having jurisdiction product approval or the state product approval.
B. DS2011-097 by Mr. Jeffrey Cooper, Chief Operating Officer, EPOX-Z
The petitioner provided a brief summary describing the three
products in question as maintenance materials with no structural
applications. The TAC reviewed and discussed the petition and took
the following action:
Question: Do the abovementioned EPOX-Z industrial products
fall within the scope of the Rule 9N-3?
Answer: Yes: When
used as a roofing product or component, the products in question do fall under
Rule 9N-3 and thus are subject to approval under the local authority
jurisdiction product approval or the state product approval.
3. No additional public
or committee comments
4. Adjourned at 11:34 am
Note: This
document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format
upon request. Contact the Department of Business and Professional
Regulation, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard,
Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2100 or call (850) 487-1824.
This document prepared
by DBPR.
Joe Bigelow – (850) 922-9160
Manager – Mo Madani
–, (850) 922-2247