Florida Building Commission

Roofing Technical Advisory Committee


FEBRUARY 26, 2015



Meeting was conducted via Teleconference/Webinar:

public point of access: Department of Business and Professional Regulation

Northwood Centre, Suite 90A, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399       (850) 487-1824


TAC Members Present: Chairman; Brian Swope, Bob Boyer, Remington Brown, Jimmy Buckner, Billy Cone, Mark Zehnal, Chuck Goldsmith, Lorraine Ross, Karen Warseck.

Alternates Present: Robert Whitcomb for Chuck Goldsmith

Guests Present: Kurtis Gurley; David Prevatt, Jim Batts, jaime gascon, wanda edwards, aaron phillips, jim kirby, gus mathis, dwight wilkes, roger lebrun

Staff Present: Mo Madani, Jim Hammers, Robert Benbow and April Hammonds via Teleconference.

Ø Objective: To review the interim reports for the research projects on the Corrosion of Roofing and Screen Enclosure Fasteners and a research project on the Impact of Spray Foam Insulation on the Durability of Plywood and OSB Roof Decking


Meeting Minutes





Welcome and Opening Remarks:  Meeting opened at 1:00pm with meeting protocols regarding muting of phones and personal identification when speaking.



Roll Call – Roll Call was taken with a quorum present.


Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda – Motion was entered by Lorraine Ross and seconded by Bob Boyer to accept the Agenda as posted.  Unanimous approval.


Approval of Minutes of June 27, 2014 – The minutes are scheduled to be reviewed at the next Roofing TAC meeting.


Review and accept the Interim Report for the Research Project on the Corrosion of Roofing and Screen Enclosure Fasteners.


Dr. Kurtis Gurley of the College of Engineering at the University of Florida provided a PowerPoint presentation to give the TAC an overview of the research project. During his presentation, he provided the relevant sections of the code to be covered by the research project. He also provided the TAC with an update on the progress of the research project to the present date. Dr. Gurley then presented the TAC with a description of the issues that the research project would address and provided the TAC with the scope of work for his research project. Dr. Gurley also furnished the TAC a timeline of the deliverables of this research project.


The TAC raised concerns about the fastener samples representing an accurate account of the fasteners that were being used in the field as well as making sure that some of the fasteners were gathered from overseas companies as well as U.S. companies. Also, it was noted that some of the fasteners would be purchased from some of the local big box stores as well as from the local roofing supply stores. Dr. Gurley responded by noting he would make sure these concerns are addressed and that the samples would be acquired from a variety of different locations. The concern was also raised that if any of the fasteners had a product approval or Miami-Dade County NOA that it be also noted by the testing. Dr. Gurley responded that he would only be testing fasteners that are approved for use in Florida. After some more deliberation it was decided by the TAC that they would schedule a TAC meeting after the specifics of the research project was worked out to review the project specific testing that would be undertaken.


A motion was entered by Mr. Billy Cone and seconded by Mr. Mark Zehnal to accept the interim report as presented.  The motion was passed unanimously.



Review and accept the Interim Report for the Research Project on the Impact of Spray Foam Insulation on the Durability of Plywood and OSB Roof Decking


 Dr. David Prevatt of the College of Engineering at the University of Florida provided a PowerPoint presentation to give the TAC an overview of the research project. During his presentation, Dr. Prevatt provided the relevant sections of the code to be covered by the research project. Next, he informed the TAC that an advisory panel of industry members was formed to discuss research project objectives, provide direction to the research team, and assist in identifying additional sources of literature to be considered by the Roofing TAC. Dr. Prevatt then provided the TAC with an update on the progress of the research project to the present time. He discussed a description of the issues to be covered by the research project. Dr. Prevatt also discussed the deliverables of this research project which includes a report providing a state of the art literature review, a summary of experimental research, objectives, methods, results and a recommendation for future research projects.


The TAC raised concerns about the foam being installed in as close to a “real world” application as possible. The issue of not enough roofing contractors on the research project advisory panel was also raised. Dr. Prevatt responded by reminding the TAC that his advisory panel included a much more diverse group of industry professionals not just representing the roofing contractors but he had representatives of other facets of the industry as well. Another concern raised by the TAC was the foundational literature search included a number of papers that were pertaining to cold climates and not the climate that we deal with here in Florida and that a number of citations are strictly about wall assembles and its pertinence to the issue at hand.  Dr. Prevatt responded by reminding the TAC that the literature review covers a broad spectrum of topics and it is not complete. He also reminded the TAC that there is still more work to be completed and that the vertical walls have some of the same issues as some roofs do.


A motion was entered by Mr. Billy Cone and seconded by Mr. Bob Boyer to accept the interim report as presented.  The motion was passed 8 to 1.


Public Comment – A comment was raised that the advisory panel was maybe brought in too late into the process. That advisory panel would meet before the conclusion of the project and that the scope of the literature review may need to be toned down.


Member Comment – Billy Cone commented that the he wanted to know who appointed the advisory committee and Dr. Prevatt responded to Mr. Cone that he selected the advisory committee.


Schedule next meeting. – to be determined


Adjournment – 3:17pm



Staff Contacts: Robert Benbow, Robert.benbow@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 717-1828;

Mo Madani, mo.madani@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 717-1825.

Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Office of Codes and Standards, 1940 N. Monroe Street, Suite 90, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0772 or call 850-487-1824.