Meeting Minutes

Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

concurrent with the

Structural Technical Advisory Committee

Thursday, January 28st, 2016


Meeting Location:  Teleconference Meeting from Tallahassee, Florida


TAC/POC Members and Objectives

TAC Members Present Via Teleconference:; Steven Bassett, Chair; Larry Banks; Oscar Calleja;  Joe Crum; Elizabeth Goll; Daniel Griffin; Alex Hernandez; Amador Barzaga for Pete Quintela


TAC Members not Present: Gary Griffin, Don Pitmann.


Staff Present: Norman Bellamy, Joe Bigelow, Jim Hammers, April Hammonds, Mo Madani, Marlita Peters.


Guests: Rolando Soto, Andrew Loenstein.


Ø    To consider and discuss Declaratory Statement DS 2015-150


Meeting Minutes


Discussion of objectives included the following: 



1:30PM Welcome and Opening, Roll Call. 

Marlita Peters, for the Florida Building Commission, provided a welcome and a brief overview of the agenda items to be presented.
Roll was taken and a quorum was present.


The Agenda was approved unanimously by the committee members. 

The meeting minutes for the December 29, 2015 meeting were approved unanimously by the committee members.


To consider and discuss the following declaratory statement:

DS 2015-150 by Rolando Soto, Chief Code Compliance Officer, Mechanical, of Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals.


  • The petitioner, Rolando Soto, was present to give an explanation of the declaratory statement. Mo Madani gave the staff analysis for the declaratory statement.  Afterward  there was general discussion by the Structural TAC and the Mechanical TAC.  Questions were asked by Jim Schock, David Compton, Daniel Lavrich, Oscar Calleja. There were also questions from the petitioner.


  • One question concerned the legislative action concerning this issue that had expired.  There was also a question concerning the status of this issue with regards to the Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals.  There was a question concerning whether the devices in the petition fell under the definition of Appliances, as it is listed in the Mechanical code.  There was discussion of whether equipment, as it pertains to the petitioners question, would fall under the requirements of  Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code, Building. There was also discussion concerning the scope of the answer that could be given to the petitioner’s question due to how the petition was written.


Committee Action:


  • There was a motion by Steve Bassett to defer the declaratory statement so that the Petitioner could edit the petition and provide some more information, to widen the question to include additional subcodes in addition to the mechanical code.  This motion was seconded by Alex Hernandez. The motion passed unanimously.



Other TAC Business  There was a comment from Staff alerting the TAC members and public to the upcoming meeting to review the Code Change Modifications in April 2016.  The meeting will be in person and not by teleconference.


Public Comment


Adjourn:  Having no other TAC business, the meeting was closed after a Motion and Second to Adjourn. Time 2:30pm


Staff Contacts: Norman Bellamy, Government Operations Consultant (850) 717-1834 or Mo Madani, Manager (850) 717-1825