April 28, 2014
10:00 AM
Steven Bassett Robert Hamberger
Bob Boyer Darrell
Oscar Calleja Bradley
David Compton Frederick
Schilling, Jr.
Nanette (Nan)
Dean Jim
Kevin Flanagan Jeff
David Gilson
Jeffery Gross
Chairman Browdy Brian
Hamid Bahadori Beth Meyer
James Batts Drew
Don Brown Brian Swope
Jay Carlson Tim
Charles Frank
Ila Jones Jim
Mo Madani April
Chris Burgwald Jim
Jim Richmond opened
the meeting at 10:05 am, EST, Monday, April 28, 2014. Roll was called and a quorum was not determined.
Jim stated the meeting
was noticed and the reminder was sent on Friday. He then called roll. At first reading there were nine members on
the call which was not a quorum. The
meeting was delayed for a few minutes to gain a quorum.
Jim started the
meeting at approximately 10:15 am without a quorum. Jim stated there were be no review and
approval of the agenda and this will be informational only call.
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update:
Jim stated there have
been several developments since the last call.
He stated the biggest development is procedural in terms of the
legislation. He said there have been a
couple of issues that popped out late and created a separation of the
issues. Jim advised that currently in
the Senate most of the issues of which we have discussed and a few we have not,
have been amended onto Senate Bill 1044, that was the Bill adding an additional
representing Commissioner from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
representing the energy office. The
Senate Bill that had been moving on these topics was SB 1106 and was stalled
out in the Appropriations Committee and was never heard and is not ready for
floor action and did not make it through the last committee stop, so it will
not even be considered on the floor of either chamber. He stated on the House side, amendments were
proposed to the companion for SB 1044 Agricultural Bill, 7147 however, they
were withdrawn on the last amendment, leaving that Bill relating only relating
to Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Jim said the House has passed that bill out
and sent it to the Senate for consideration.
He advised that the House is taking up HB 593 today, which contains many
of the provisions that have been previously discussed; this is on third reading
today and could be sent to the Senate this afternoon. He said unfortunately without 1106 up, it
would probably be difficult to take this bill up in the Senate unless an
additional vehicle is found somehow. Jim
said likewise the two bills on the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services do not currently match up, so may well be in difficulty in getting
anything out of the Legislature this year based on the fact that things have
gone in different directions, which is the primary procedural issue.
Commission Schock
asked if this includes ADA interpretations and the primary bill.
Jim stated yes this is
primary. He advised that he will go
through all of the provisions and how they developed and the new
provisions. He said the primary is
tangled within itself.
Jim asked if
additional Commissioners joined the call.
There were additional members that joined thus forming a quorum of 13
Jim asked for a motion
to approve the agenda. A motion was
entered to approve the agenda by Commission Boyer, second was entered by
Commissioner Hamberger, the motion passed unanimously.
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
Jim completed a recap
of the procedural issues for the Commissioner that had just joined the call.
Jim advised he will
begin the coverage in full and the webinar will show the lines he will be
Jim noted that each of
the items to be discussed were essential scrubbed from fiscal impact and easier
to consider and pass out if necessary.
Jim said since this
was amended to a different bill, there are numerous items that do not pertain
to the Commission. He advised he will
reference the line when he is discussing items of interest to the Commission. He stated we are currently looking at the
third Committee substitute that is CS/CS/CS for SB 1044 which has grown to 41
Section 12:
Jim advised in section
twelve of SB 1044 line 437, the issue had come up last week or the week prior
that relates to the waivers and variances that the Department of Health used to
grant for building code related provisions for public pools. He said they actually had a Governor’s
Commission that had been appointed that reviewed applications for waivers of the
special occupancy provisions that were pended by the Department of Health and
integrated into the Code and had a whole process with a fee. He advised two years ago when the authority
to regulate the construction of pools was separated from the Department of
Health’s authority to regulate the operation of pools, that authority to grant
waivers and variances fell by the wayside.
Jim stated the original language in this legislation had the Commission
and the Swimming Pool TAC reviewing petitions waivers from this
requirement. He further said
unfortunately there is no way to avoid a fiscal impact, there would be a need
to add to BCIS, add staff and other things along that line. Jim stated there would be upwards of 120
waivers per year which would require six to eight hour meetings of Swimming
Pool TAC Meetings and additional time at the Commission Meeting, along with 120
final orders which would overload the attorney with the additional volume. Jim advised that what has been done is to
amended to re-convey the authority to consider and grant variances to the
Department of Health. He said that they
already have a system set up and their Advisory Council still exist to review
waivers related to operating permits and apparently they have indicated there
is no fiscal impact to take these up.
Jim said that the criteria is provided in the statute for a waiver and
that is when it is shown that the hardship experienced by a requestor was not
caused intentionally by the action of the applicant or no other reasonable
alternative exists for the waiver and the health and the safety of the pool
patrons are at risk. He advised that
this system has operated in the past and fairly well. He advised that we entered a declaratory
statement about the interaction of these waivers and local building
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
departments for review
of permit document documents and inspections of pools. Jim said one item that he was advised that
has surfaced in recent years is the interaction of new
requirements of the
ADA for a pool lift as well the width of the pool, these are contained in the
building code. He said this is something
that is currently in the bill, to return back to status quo in lieu of changes
that had not been seen before.
Section 13:
Jim advised in section
thirteen line 453 also included in this language is the language that requires
integration of the building permitting and operating permitting processes. He said he would note that the most recent
version is in section thirteen and continues in two other sections later on
does seem to take into account the concern, that we had expressed as an agency
that it was being set up to make it impossible to get both an operating and
building permit. Jim said that this has
been discussed in the past where you could not complete an application for an
operating permit as it required a final inspection by the local inspection
agency and to get a building permit, you needed to have an application for the
operating permit. He said they have
addressed that language that is somewhat confusing, in this section and two
other sections to be reviewed.
Section 14:
Jim stated in this
section actually spells out the requirement that a copy of the final inspection
is required as an attachment to the application for the operating permit. He said starting on line 498 they address the
circumstance that it is really not feasible.
He said what they are looking at is dealing with incomplete application
for operating permits and information supplemented as it comes available.
Section 15:
Jim stated this
section relates to manufactured buildings and their inspections and addresses
an issue that we raised in the past with regards to litigation; it is
consistent with what we have discussed in the past. Jim asked if there were any questions, there
were none.
Section 16:
Jim stated in section
sixteen line 534 of this bill, this is the building permit surcharge, in the
past this included allocations of funding for Future Builders of America. He stated this is no longer in the bill; this
is restricted to striking out an obsolete reference to the 2013-2014 fiscal
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
Section 17:
Jim started at line
573 which provides clarification of the language that addresses existing roof
mounted mechanical equipment and clarifies when that needs to be brought into
compliance with current requirements of the Florida Building Code, relating to
roof mounted mechanics. He further stated
if it moved during re-roofing and is not in compliance with current
requirements of the Florida Building Code, relating to roof mounted mechanics,
it will have to be brought up to code.
Jim asked if there were any questions.
Commissioner Hamberger
asked if that provision meant if the roof equipment stayed in place, even if
you replaced the curb, then you would not have to bring to current standards?
Jim advised that is
correct, that would be the same result as what is currently in the Statute and
the Building Code.
Jim advised that
starting with line 580 still in section seventeen is a provision relating to
range hood exhaust systems. He said that
as it stands now in the Florida Building Code if a range hood exhaust is 400
cubic feet per minute or less, then make up air is not required. He said that this provision of the bill would
allow exhaust rates at 400 cubic feet per minute but no more than 800 cubic
feet per minute if there are no gravity vent appliances within the conditioned
living space of the structure. Jim said
it would allow greater capacity for exhaust vents without make up air. He stated that we have expressed some
reservation as to that for creating unbalanced air outside the parameters
envisioned by the model codes and as well this may be better exemption if it
also addressed unconditioned space of the structure. He further stated this is an issue that has
come up in the last few weeks and initially it actually allowed vents up to
1200 cubic feet per minute and so it has been substantially mitigated. Jim asked if there were any comments or
questions he will defer to Mr. Madani.
Commissioner Calleja
asked what CFS level is needed before you need make up air.
Jim advised what it
allows is 400 cubic feet per minute but no more than 800 cubic feet per minute if
there are no gravity vent appliances within the conditioned living space.
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
Section 18:
Jim stated this is the
initial import of this bill SB 1044 and it addresses adding an additional
Building Commissioner representing the Energy Office. He stated on item of interest is that it
changed in the House, but still remains in the Senate. He said line 668 in queue changes the name of
one of the entities that can nominate a member for the construction or building
products manufacturing industry seat on the Commission and it changes it to the
Florida Concrete and Product (singular) Association. Jim said all of the information he has been
able to find on this Association through the Department of State’s website as
well as their own, describe it as Florida Concrete and Products (plural)
Association. He further stated that this
is only an “s” but it could be significant.
He advised we have raised it as a comment, however, the House fixed it
at one point, but this remains on the Senate side. He said once again this is a permissive direction
to recommend a list of candidates and it probably not any real urgent error,
but it is a glitch none the less.
Jim continued with
line 697 stating this is the element that allows a representative from the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Energy. He advised that the second half of this has
been changed to be consistent with the rest of the seats on the Commission in
that the Commissioner of Agriculture is encourage to recommend a list of
candidates for consideration. He said in
prior versions it was a lot complicated a system where the Commissioner would
submit three names if not selected from the list, there would be additional
names submitted. He provided information
on strike out language from 2003.
Section 19:
Jim advised that
section 19 is a conforming amendment, relating to the public swimming pool
variances. He said that it adds a
section to 553.77 which is the specific powers of the Building Commission; he
said he feels that it is misplaced. He
said on line 710 it requires that the building official shall recognized and
enforce variance orders issued by the Department of Health pursuant to 514.0155
sub 5 including any conditions attached granting the variance. He said the declaratory statement completed a
few years ago addressed a similar topic and basically said that local building
departments should be doing this under the Building Code given that the
Department of Heath had that explicit authority within the statutes. He said despite the placement issue the
actual substances of it present anything new.
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
Section 20:
Jim stated in section
twenty line 714 adding the accessibility code to the items that can be
interpreted by the Commission through its formal or informal processes as well
as declaratory statements. He said this
language will allow the Commission to address both Florida specific and
non-Florida specific provisions of the accessibility code consistent with
recommendation of the Building Commission in the past. He further stated that is consistent with
what has been in these bills since the start.
Section 21:
Jim advised in section
twenty one line 955 is another piece of the operating permit building permit
integration and directs that the local building department should not issue or
may not issue a building permit without proof of an application and whether
complete or incomplete to address the issues related in early description for
an operating permit. He stated that it
also incorporates a small tweak to an electronic document provision that was
added about three years ago and allows not only for site plans but building
permits be maintained in electronic format on a work site. He said that adds permits to site plans to be
authorized for electronic maintenance.
Section 553.80
Jim said 553.80 is
being amended to basically address expedited building construction permitting,
building plans review, and inspections for public schools as opposed to public
school districts. He said that it
broaden this in the realm of charter school he believes but is not sure. Jim advised the change was located in line
990 of the Bill.
Section 553.841
Jim stated that
553.841 is the amendment to the Building Code compliance and mitigation program
that to which we refer to as Building Code education and outreach. He said it is consistent to which has been
adopted in the past, it adds employees of design and construction industries to
those that can receive training under this contract. He said that does vastly increase the well of
potential recipients that can receive training under this. He further said that a statute would as a
matter of necessity given that the limited amount of funds dilute the amount of
training we can provide to licensee which is a concern, but is not taken
hold. Jim said that it expands the
subjects that are permissible for training under this section to include the Fire
Prevention Code, permitting requirements, and construction liens.
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
Section 553.883
Jim advised that we
previously covered this item, but it relates to smoke alarms, battery operated
under the Building Code and other circumstances. He stated essentially it authorizes the use
of smoke alarms powered by ten year non-removable, non-replaceable battery in
lieu retrofitting with smoke alarms powered by the dwelling’s electrical
system. Jim said rather than hard wire
you could use these non-removable for the ten year alarms.
Jim advised that
second provision in this is created some concern in that it is not enforceable
under the Building Code as it prohibits the use of battery powered alarms. He said effective January 1, 2015, a
battery-powered smoke alarm that is newly installed or replaces an existing
battery-powered smoke alarm must be powered by a non-removable, non-replaceable
battery that powers the alarm for at least 10 years. Jim stated this severely restricts the number
of products that could be utilized, then again when replacing battery powered
alarms or newly installing battery powered alarms, you would have to question
if this is permitting issue concerns. He
said that most do not permit this activity.
Schiffer asked on 1055 should we note that it should read Florida Building Code
responded that is the way it read before; he said that the provisions relating
to the use of battery powered smoke alarms are contained in the Florida
Building Code Residential.
Madani said that the language would cover both residential and building in
general because in the residential code repair and alterations also covers this
and by going to level one alteration, that would encompass the existing
Jim advised this is an
item that we give rise to a glitch code change, a change in law and the need to
keep the code consistent with statute is something the Commission can take up
at any time.
stated fire alarms, smoke detectors, smoke alarms, and ancillary components
that are electronically connected to a system as part of a UL Listed
centrally-monitored fire alarm station are exempt from the battery requirements
of this section.
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April 28, 2014
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Legislative Update (cont.):
Section 25:
Jim said starting at
line 1067 reverses course to an extent on the building energy rating system,
basically reversing in action the Legislature last year that specified those
systems that were usable in the state to provide generic criteria. Jim advised that they have not assigned the
responsibility to determine eligibility in the State of Florida to any agency;
it has no direct impact on the Department and never a Commission function.
Section 26:
Jim stated this
section relates to the Fire Prevention Code and provides an exemption for tents
up to 30 feet by 30 feet. He said this
does not affect the application for the Building Code since isn’t a National
Code incorporated by reference in the Fire Prevention Code.
Section 27:
Jim said addresses
operation of the Florida Code Interpretation Committee and has no impact on the
Building Commission.
Section 28:
Jim advised starting
at line 1143 does add some language relating to insurance but really has not
impact on the Commission.
Jim stated the Bill is
set to take effect July 1, 2014.
Jim advosed this
covers SB 1044 which integrates a few new issues which he does not believe are
currently addressed in HB 593, but may be to some extent. He said given the urgency it will be a trick
to get anything through to the Governor’s desk this year.
Jim asked if there
were any questions or comments from the Commissioners regarding any of the
information provided.
Jim asked if any
additional Commissioner join the call.
There were no new members on the call.
Jim then asked for
public comment, there was no public comment offered.
Jim then asked for any
additional Commissioner comment.
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April 28, 2014
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Commissioner Comments:
Commissioner Flanagan
asked if Jim thinks this will not pass this year.
Jim said he is not
going to say it will not pass, he stated there are some very very adept people working on this legislation and far
better at the process than himself.
Commissioner Flanagan
asked if this has to be completed by July 1.
Jim advised no, this
has to be completed by Friday, assuming that the Legislature get a budget out
on time, that is when the session will end if the budget has been completed. He said with the surplus this year, he does
not feel budget will hold them in town too late; it could last to midnight
Friday. He said Friday is the drop dead
date to bring bills together.
Commissioner Calleja
stated he missed the last Commission Meeting, is the Building Code effective
date still December 31, 2014 or has it been postponed.
Jim advised it has not
been finally postponed, but it was discussed that the Fire Code will not be available
to meet that date. He advised there will
be further discussion at the June meeting.
Commissioner Calleja
asked if it was a question of the six month waiting.
Jim said the real
question is a final version of the Florida Fire Prevention Code that we can adopt
by reference into the Building Code and that starts the six month clock.
There being no further comments, Jim adjourned
the call at 10:54 am.