April 28, 2014
10:00 AM
Steven Bassett Robert Hamberger
Bob Boyer Darrell
Oscar Calleja Bradley
David Compton Frederick
Schilling, Jr.
Nanette (Nan)
Dean Jim
Kevin Flanagan Jeff
David Gilson
Jeffery Gross
Chairman Browdy Brian
Hamid Bahadori Beth Meyer
James Batts Drew
Don Brown Brian Swope
Jay Carlson Tim
Charles Frank
Ila Jones Jim
Mo Madani April
Chris Burgwald Jim
Jim Richmond opened
the meeting at 10:05 am, EST, Monday, April 28, 2014. Roll was called and a quorum was not determined.
Jim stated the meeting
was noticed and the reminder was sent on Friday. He then called roll. At first reading there were nine members on
the call which was not a quorum. The
meeting was delayed for a few minutes to gain a quorum.
Jim started the
meeting at approximately 10:15 am without a quorum. Jim stated there were be no review and
approval of the agenda and this will be informational only call.
FBC Teleconference
April 28, 2014
Page 2
Legislative Update:
Jim stated there have
been several developments since the last call.
He stated the biggest development is procedural in terms of the
legislation. He said there have been a
couple of issues that popped out late and created a separation of the
issues. Jim advised that currently in
the Senate most of the issues of which we have discussed and a few we have not,
have been amended onto Senate Bill 1044, that was the Bill adding an additional
representing Commissioner from the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
representing the energy office. The
Senate Bill that had been moving on these topics was SB 1106 and was stalled
out in the Appropriations Committee and was never heard and is not ready for
floor action and did not make it through the last committee stop, so it will
not even be considered on the floor of either chamber. He stated on the House side, amendments were
proposed to the companion for SB 1044Agricultural Bill, 7147 however, they were
withdrawn on the last amendment, leaving that Bill relating only relating to
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Jim said the House has passed that bill out
and sent it to the Senate for consideration.
He advised that the House is taking up HB 593 today, which contains many
of the provisions that have been previously discussed; this is on third reading
today and could be sent to the Senate this afternoon. He said unfortunately without 1106 up, it
would probably be difficult to take this bill up in the Senate unless an
additional vehicle is found somehow. Jim
said likewise the two bills on the Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services do not currently match up, so may well be in difficulty in getting
anything out of the Legislature this year based on the fact that things have
gone in different directions, which is the primary procedural issue.
Commission Schock asked if this includes ADA interpretations and the
primary bill.
Jim stated yes this is
primary. He advised that he will go
through all of the provisions and how they developed and the new
provisions. He said the primary is
tangled within itself.
Jim asked if
additional Commissioners joined the call.
There were additional members that joined thus forming a quorum of 13
Jim asked for a motion
to approve the agenda. A motion was
entered to approve the agenda by Commission Boyer, second was entered by
Commissioner Hamberger, the motion passed unanimously.
FBC Teleconference
April 28, 2014
Page 2
Legislative Update:
Jim completed a recap
of the procedural issues for the Commissioner that had just joined the call.
24, 2014
Page 8
Chairman Browdy requested motion for
adjournment. Commissioner Boyer entered
motion to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Commissioner Compton. The motion passed unanimously and the meeting
adjourned at approximately 10:45 am.