DS-2014-052 Petitioner
Rich Clark, Representing CLP Systems seeks a Declaratory Statement on Chapter 61G20-3 Product Approval.
Petitioner seeks clarification of the
following questions:
Question: Does CLP and engineered
threaded rod shearwall holdown and uplift systems fall outside of the scope of
Rule 61G20-3?
CLP Systems
is an engineered shearwall holdown and uplift system using threaded rod
material manufactured by our parent company. Every job is unique based on the
loads the engineer specifies and the particular rod height and length. The rods
are connected with standard couplers. We design the top plated washer based on
the load. We provide the load of the rod, the washer, and the anchorage in our
shop drawings.
Florida Administrative Code, Chapter
61G20-3.003 Exceptions
Prescriptive. Products that have
prescriptive specification standards and are manufactured under quality
assurance procedures as specified in the Code will be deemed approved. Such products shall include but not be
limited to the following:
Structural components covered by United States Department of Commerce Product
Structural components comprised of products that are assembled or placed in the
field and are subject to standardized field testing procedures contained within
nationally recognized standards adopted within the Code may demonstrate
compliance by a batch ticket or bill of lading made available at the site of
assembly or placement; and
(c) Custom
(one of a kind) pre-engineered buildings.
Performance. Products, methods and systems of construction specifically
addressed in the Code through performance criteria shall demonstrate compliance
pursuant to Rule 61G20-3.005, F.A.C., and shall be approved pursuant to Rule
61G20-3.007, F.A.C.
The Florida Statutes, 553.842 (10)
other than manufactured buildings, which are custom fabricated or assembled
shall not require separate approval under this section provided the component
parts have been approved for the fabricated or assembled product’s use and the
components meet the standards and the requirements of the Florida Building Code
which applies to the products intended use.
Staff Analysis:
Question: Does CLP and engineered threaded rod
shearwall holdown and uplift systems fall outside of the scope of Rule 61G20-3?
Answer: Yes, the product in question is a custom one of kind product and therefore, it falls outside the scope of Rule 61G20-3, the State Product Approval Program. However, the product in question is subject to approval by the local authority having jurisdiction.