Status to Date:
HB 535 – Section
The Florida Building Commission shall adopt into the Florida Building
Code, 5th Edition (2014) Energy Conservation, the following:
"Section 406 relating to the Alternative Performance Path, Energy
Rating Index of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) may be
used except as follows for Table R406.4 as an option for demonstrating
compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. TABLE R406.4
MAXIMUM ENERGY RATING INDEX shall reflect the following energy rating index:
for Climate Zone 1, an index of 58; for Climate Zone 2, an index of 58. The
Florida Building Commission shall continue its current adoption process of the
2015 IECC and determine by October 1, 2016, whether
onsite renewable power generation may be used for compliance. The commission
must also determine whether onsite renewable power generation may be used for a
period longer than three years but not more than six consecutive years."
2016 Supplement
(Code Fixes) to the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code
“Effective – July 1, 2016)
Edition (2014) Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation
Adopts the 2015
IECC/ERI as another option for compliance, in addition to the prescriptive and
performance paths.
Requires meeting
target score
Requires meeting
the mandatory code requirements of the 2015 IECC including piping provisions
for water heating
compliance with minimum installation and window envelope prescriptive
requirements of the 2009 IECC
performance path allows the B.O. to specify qualifying Energy Rating Index
method to be used
Provide for 3rd
party analysis and review of the energy using features of the house.
Determination – ERI
- 100 is equivalent to the 2006 IECC and “0” is equivalent to a net –zero home.
R406 Energy Rating Index
Compliance Alternative. Add Section R406 to read as follows:
section establishes criteria for compliance using an Energy Rating Index (ERI)
Mandatory requirements. Compliance with this section requires
that the provisions identified in Sections R401 through
R404 labeled as “mandatory” and Section R403.5.3 of the 2015 International Energy Conservation
Code be met. The building thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to levels of efficiency and Solar Heat
Gain Coefficient in Table 402.1.1 or 402.1.3 of the 2009 International
Energy Conservation Code.
Exception: Supply and
return ducts not completely inside the building thermal envelope shall be
insulated to a minimum of R-6.
2015 International Energy Conservation
Code (Sections R401 through R404 labeled as mandatory and Section R403.5.3.
R401 Through R404 labeled as “mandatory”:
of a permanent certificate for compliance listing predominant R – values on
insulation for building envelope (wall, ceiling/roof, floor..etc.), U – factor and SHGC for fenestration, ..etc. (R401.3)
Air leakage – building thermal envelope -test
information; Fenestration air leakage; sealing recessed lighting to limit air
leakage (R402.4)
system – requires a minimum of one thermostat for each separate heating and
cooling system, requires control of heat pump supplementary heat; duct/air
handler must be sealed; disallow the use of building cavities as duct for
plenums; provides for piping insulation; provides for mechanical ventilation as
per the IMC or IRC; provides for equipment sizing and efficiency rating;
provides for pools and permanent spa energy consumption (R403)
Provides for lighting equipment requirements
for hot water pipe insulation (R493.5.3)
thermal envelope shall be greater than or equal to levels of efficiency and
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient in Table 402.1.1 or 402.1.3
of the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code
See attachment #1
Energy Rating Index. The Energy Rating Index (ERI) shall be a
numerical integer value that is based on a linear scale constructed such that
the ERI reference design has
an Index value of
100 and a residential building that uses no net purchased energy has an
Index value of 0. Each integer value on the scale shall represent a 1-percent
change in the total energy use of the rated design relative to the total energy
use of the ERI reference design. The ERI shall consider all energy used
in the residential building.
ERI reference design. The ERI reference design shall be
configured such that it meets the minimum requirements of the 2006 International
Energy Conservation Code prescriptive requirements.
proposed residential building shall be shown to have an annual total
normalized modified load less than or equal to the annual total loads of the ERI
reference design.
International Energy Conservation Code prescriptive requirements
TABLE 402.1.1
attachment #2
thermal envelope as per Table 402.1.1 (402)
leakage – sealing requirements (402.4)
air leakage (402.4.2)
lighting –sealed (402.4.3)
control – (402.5)
ERI-based compliance. Compliance based on an ERI analysis
requires that the rated design be shown to have an ERI less than or
equal to the appropriate value listed in
R406.4 when compared to the ERI reference design.
Verification by approved agency. Verification of
compliance with Section R406 shall be completed by an approved third
party, in accordance with Florida Statutes 553.99
(Building Energy Efficiency Rating System).
Documentation. Documentation of the software used to
determine the ERI and the parameters for the residential building shall be in
accordance with Sections R406.6.1
through R406.6.3.
R406.6.1 Compliance software tools.
Documentation verifying that the methods and accuracy of the
compliance software tools conform to the provisions of this section shall be
provided to the code official.
Compliance report. Compliance
software tools shall generate a report that documents that the ERI of the rated
design complies with Sections R406.3 and R406.4.
The compliance
documentation shall include the following information:
1. Address or
other identification of the residential building.
2. An inspection
checklist documenting the building component characteristics of the rated
design. The inspection checklist shall show results for both the ERI
reference design and the rated design, and shall document all inputs
entered by the user necessary to reproduce the results.
3. Name of
individual completing the compliance report.
4. Name and
version of the compliance software tool.
Exception: Multiple
orientations. Where an otherwise identical building model is offered in
multiple orientations, compliance for any orientation shall be permitted by
documenting that the building meets the performance requirements in each of the
four (north, east, south and west) cardinal orientations.
TABLE R406.4
1 52
2 52
3 51
4 54
5 55
6 54
7 53
8 53
Additional documentation. The code official shall be
permitted to require the following documents:
1. Documentation
of the building component characteristics of the ERI reference design.
2. A
certification signed by the builder providing the building component
characteristics of the rated design.
3. Documentation
of the actual values used in the software calculations for the rated design.
Calculation software tools. Calculation software, where used, shall
be in accordance with Sections R406.7.1 through R406.7.3.
Minimum capabilities. Calculation procedures used to comply
with this section shall be software tools capable of calculating the ERI as
described in Section R406.3, and shall include the following capabilities:
Computer generation of the ERI reference design using only the input for
the rated design.
calculation procedure shall not allow the user to directly modify the building
component characteristics of the ERI reference design.
The calculation procedure shall not
allow the user to directly modify the building component characteristics of the
ERI reference deisgn.
Calculation of whole building, as a single zone, sizing for the heating
and cooling equipment in the ERI reference design residence in
accordance with Section R403.7.
Calculations that account for the effects of indoor and outdoor temperatures
and part-load ratios on the performance of heating, ventilating and
air-conditioning equipment based on climate and equipment sizing.
Printed code official inspection checklist listing each of the rated
design component characteristics determined by the analysis to provide
compliance, along with their respective performance ratings.
Specific approval. Performance analysis tools meeting the
applicable sections of Section R406 shall be approved. Tools are
permitted to be approved based on meeting a specified threshold for a
jurisdiction. The code official shall approve tools for a specified
application or limited scope.
Input values. When calculations require input values
not specified by Sections R402, R403, R404 and R405 of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, those input
values shall be taken from an approved source.
6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, Energy
EN6727 (Status TAC – AS)
R406.3 Energy Rating Index.
The Energy Rating Index (ERI) shall be a numerical integer value that is
based on a linear scale constructed such that the ERI reference design has
an Index value of 100 and a residential building that uses no net
purchased energy has an Index value of 0. Each integer value on the scale shall
represent a 1-percent change in the total energy use annual total
normalized modified loads of the rated design rated design
relative to the annual total energy use loads of the ERI
reference design. The ERI shall consider all energy used in the residential
R406.3.1 ERI reference design.
The ERI reference design shall be configured such that it meets the minimum requirements of the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code prescriptive requirements.
The proposed residential building shall be shown to have an annual
total normalized modified load less than or equal to the annual total loads of
the ERI reference design.
R406.4 ERI-based compliance.
The ERI for the rated design shall be determined in accordance
with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, including Addendum A-2015, and Compliance
based on an ERI analysis requires that the rated design be shown to
have an ERI less than or equal to the appropriate value listed in Table R406.4
when compared to the ERI reference design.
EN 6727 (TAC – AS)
R406.6.1 Compliance software tools.
Computer software utilized for demonstration of code compliance shall
have been approved by the Florida Building Commission in accordance with
requirements of this code. Documentation verifying that the methods and
accuracy of the compliance software tools conform to the provisions of this
section shall be provided to the code official.