Product Approval Administrator (Ted Berman and Associates - TB&A)

Performance for the August 2013 meeting cycle:



  1. Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR


  1. Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR




  1. Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR


  1. Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR
  2. a.         I need to be added to the mailing list.
    b.         The webinar and being able to join online was great.
    c.         The subject matter was very valuable and needs to be resolved.
    d.         I did not get the meeting minutes of the discussion.
    e.         I did not get the final decision of the group.


      1.   Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR

      2.   TB&A were very responsive to our questions throughout the process. As a company                                     outside of Florida, we found they were helpful pointing us in the correct direction for                                          steps to take for our FL approval update.



  1. Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR




1.    Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR



 1.   Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR

       2.  Is there anything that can be done with the FPA system and the requirement of        sending in “hard copies” of all evaluation reports to Mr. Berman’s office?


            I realize the State of Florida requires documents to be “compression sealed.” But, if             the Florida Product Approval System is sanctioned by the State as “legitimate”, then        what is the purpose in requiring hard copy submittals of the same documentation       uploaded on the FPA site? The uploaded documents, upon validation, are available             to Mr. Berman’s staff and other state officials for easy access.  It seems redundant             and a waste of time and money (costs to ship these documents to Mr. Berman’s        office).  In addition, I can’t imagine the storage requirements on Mr. Berman’s part to store the thousands of documents received during any given FPA session. 


            Finally, it almost seems hypocritical for the below statement to be a part every email           from Mr. Berman’s office.  While I realize it is likely not under his purview to make      the decision to end the requirement of hard copy submittals following uploads to        the Florida system, I would believe he might also think it is time to stop this        ridiculous requirement.  In doing so, it would be cost effective for all involved         (manufacturer, validation, evaluator, Mr. Berman’s office and ultimately the State of             Florida). 


            I would appreciate it if you would get this comment to the “powers at be” and see if             this could be changed - - maybe it could become effective with the new 2013 Florida     Building Code’s effective date.













       1.   Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR

      2.      I am disappointed with the help that TBA gives to manufactures.  All we get are vague answers,                and are forced to figure out how to do things on our own.  Then later find out that they can be done that way.....  From our stand point we are happy to play by Florida’s rules problem is we         can’t get any help figuring out how the rules are supposed to be interpreted.  We are referred to   TBA with no avail.  This lack of information frustrates manufactures and discourages them from          messing with the entire system.  In many cases manufacturers spend more time effort and        money on Florida product approvals than they can ever expect to make from the market there.     This will likely result in manufactures choosing to not mess with it any more...


        1.    Choose a Rating: EXCELLENT ---GOOD ---FAIR ---POOR

        2.    Overall performance I think they get the job done but they lack in customer service and               knowledge of the codes and how they are applicable to the product being launched. Would            applaud being able to use another firm to guide us while submitting product applications.