Mr. Berman,
This is to inquire about a cross-reference in the
above FAC Rule.
FAC 61G20-3.001(1) reads, “Products in the following categories as defined by
subcategories of subsection 61G20-3.002(31), F.A.C., shall be available for
approval by the Commission pursuant to Rule 61G20-3.090, F.A.C., for use in the
state:….” Subsection (31) is the definition of “Structural component”, which reads, “Structural component means any part or assembly of buildings that
comprises the main wind force resisting system and components or
cladding.” However, the
subcategories (a) through (g) referenced in 61G20-3.001(1)
are listed in subsection (33), which reads, “Subcategory of product or construction system means a
specific functionality:”, and (a) through (g) under subsection (33) list what is
included in each subcatagory.
Should the
cross-reference to subsection (31) be subsection (33) instead?
Thank you for your attention to
this inquiry.
Gregory H. Young, CBO
Building Official
Marion County School Board
1105 SW 7th Road
Ocala, FL 34471
P: 352-671-6904
C: 352-274-5442
F: 352-671-6906