Florida Building Commission

Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

Tuesday, December 1st , 2015


Meeting Location:  Teleconference Meeting from Tallahassee, Florida


TAC/POC Members and Objectives

TAC Members Present Via Teleconference:; Steven Bassett, Chair; Bob Renner for Larry Banks; Oscar Calleja; Joe Crum; Elizabeth Goll; Daniel Griffin; Alex Hernandez; and Pete Quintela 


TAC Members not Present: Don Pitmann


Staff Present: Nick Duval, Jim Hammers, April Hammonds, Mo Madani,  Jim Richmond.

Facilitator: Norman Bellamy


Guests: Mario Bellavance, Julian Croteau, Jeff Sonne, Joe Belcher, Ruen Beane, Rob Vieira.


  • To receive and consider draft report on research project “Evaluating the Economic Impacts of   the Legislatively Delayed Provisions of the 5th Edition (2014) Energy”
  • To Discuss and provide recommendation on Declaratory Statement DS2015-136.


Meeting Minutes


Discussion of objectives included the following: 



10:07 AM Welcome and Opening, Roll Call. 

Norman Bellamy, facilitator for the Florida Building Commission, provided a welcome and a brief overview of the agenda items to be presented.
Roll was taken and a quorum was present.


The Chair, Steve Bassett, turned the meeting over to Oscar Calleja as he had financial involvement with the Declaratory Statement. Quorum would still be present even with Steve Bassett recusing himself from participation.


April Hammonds, staff counsel, proposed that the TAC take Item 5 of the agenda out of order.  This was so that the petitioner for the Declaratory Statement could speak.


The Agenda was approved as amended by the committee members. 

The meeting minutes for the August 05th 2015. The meeting minutes were approved unanimously by the committee members.


Objective: To consider and discuss the following Declaratory Statement:


DS2015-136 by Julien Croteau, Condo unit owner.


  • Mario Bellavance gave a statement on the Declaratory Statement for the Petitioner. The Petitioner was also in attendance. Mr. Bellavance stated reasons for the petition and concerns towards a previous ruling. Technical issues and the further steps to take in the Declaratory Statement process.


  • Staff Analysis was provided by April Hammonds, legal counsel.  April Hammonds then provided the legal standings of the petition.  Finally recommending dismissal of the Petition.  This is due to the facts that the issue in question is pertaining to “past conduct of another” and that the Florida Building Commission has no authority to address declaratory statements regarding prior editions of the Florida Building Code. Also providing two examples of case law concerning this. Mario Bellavance replied to this, restating the concerns he had for the petition. There was also some advice from Legal Counsel on recourse for the petitioner and Mr. Bellavance. Julian Croteau, the Petitioner, also provided comments concerning the petition.


  • There was a motion to deny request for declaratory statement due reasons stated in the Staff Analysis by Joseph Crum, and seconded by Pete Quintela.  The motion passed unanimously, with Steve Bassett abstaining from that vote.



The meeting was then turned back over to the Chair.


Objective:   To review and accept draft report for research project titled “Evaluating the Economic Impacts of the Legislatively Delayed Provisions of the 5th Edition (2014) Energy”


  • Jeff Sonne was present from the Florida Solar Energy Center to give a presentation on the interim report for the research project.  The research provides an assessment of the potential economic impacts of implementing three legislatively delayed requirements of the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014): 1) residential air leakage testing, 2) residential whole-house mechanical ventilation, and 3) two fire service access elevators for applicable buildings.


  • There was public comment from Reun Beane providing a suggestion to include information concerning the two industry advisory committees which helped with developing the online surveys for the research project. There was no other public comment. A motion was made to accept the interim report as present by Oscar Calleja, and seconded by Joseph Crum. The motion passed unanimously.


Other TAC Business – Meeting opened for TAC comment and public comment.  


Adjourn:  Having no other TAC business, the meeting was closed after a Motion and Second to Adjourn. Time 11:30am


Staff Contacts: Norman Bellamy, Government Operations Consultant (850) 717-1834 Norman.Bellamy@myfloridalicense.com or Mo Madani, Manager mo.madani@dbpr.state.fl.us (850) 717-1825