2004 ...
Building Code
The Rule Hearing
was held April 20, 2004 and the following is the Notice of Change
to Rule 9B-3.047 FBC, based on the comments received at the Hearing:
 The Florida
Building Commission completed development of the Florida Building Code
at the April, 2004 Commission meeting. The final adopted code will be
available on-line by July 1, 2004. The draft 2004
Florida Building Code (FBC) is available for review. The
following links compare I code, current FBC and 2004 building code.
Sections not
identified by the documents will be 2003 I-code text which can be viewed
at the following link: View
(Some of the documents
are very large and will take a few minutes to open.)
2004 FBC, Building _________________________
Building Code 2003. Copyright 2002. Falls Church, Virginia: International
Code Council, Inc., Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved."
Chapter 13, Florida Energy Code
2004 Florida Existing Buildings Code 2004
Florida Existing Buildings Code _________________________
"International Existing Building Code 2003. Copyright 2002. Falls
Church, Virginia: International Code Council, Inc., Reproduced with
permission. All rights reserved."
Proposed 2004 FBC, Test Protocols for High Velocity Hurricane Zones Proposed
2004 Test Protocols for HVHZ Changes Made to the 2001 Test Protocols
for HVHZ for Inclusion in the 2004 FBC
Proposed 2004, FBC Fuel Gas
Proposed changes to
the 2003 IFGC Chapters 1 through References _________________________
"International Fuel Gas Code 2003. Copyright 2002. Falls Church,
Virginia: International Code Council, Inc., Reproduced with permission.
All rights reserved."
Proposed 2004 FBC, Mechanical Proposed
changes to the 2003 IMC. Chapters 1 through Chapter 14
References _________________________
"International Mechanical Code 2003. Copyright 2002. Falls Church,
Virginia: International Code Council, Inc., Reproduced with permission.
All rights reserved."
Proposed 2004 FBC, Plumbing Proposed
changes to the 2003 IPC Chapters 1 through 13 References _________________________
"International Plumbing Code 2003. Copyright 2002. Falls Church,
Virginia: International Code Council, Inc., Reproduced with permission.
All rights reserved."
2004 Florida Residential Code - Proposed changes to the 2003 IRC 2004
9 (FRC)
44 (FRC)
"International Residential Building Code 2003. Copyright
2002. Falls Church, Virginia: International Code Council, Inc., Reproduced
with permission. All rights reserved." ___________
(These are Rich Text documents, so
that both MS Word and WordPerfect may open them. You may need to click
"Cancel" through two popups to view.)
Rule Adoption Hearing (see top of page for results of Hearing) There will be
a Rule Adoption Hearing on Rule 9B-3.047 at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, April
20, 2004, at the Rosen Centre Hotel, 9840 International Drive, Orlando,
Florida. Persons wishing to provide testimony on the 2004 update to
the Florida Building Code may do so at that time. The code update material
for review can be found at the following web address:
The proposed
amendment of Rule 9B-3.047 is needed to fulfill the
Commission's obligation to update the Florida Building Code every three
years. The rule as amended will establish the 2004 edition of the
Florida Building Code, which incorporates the following base documents:
the 2003 International Building Code, the 2003 International Residential
Code, the 2003 International Plumbing Code, the 2003 International
Mechanical Code, the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, the 2003
International Existing Building Code and ASHRAE Standard 90.1-01.
Previously approved amendments to the Florida Building Code have been
integrated with the model codes and additional modifications have been
made to assure consistency with the Florida Fire Prevention Code.