JDB Code Services, Inc.
2023 Advanced Florida Building Code: Means of Egress, 8th Edition (CLASS)
Course Type* Florida Building Code
Provides construction industry professionals with a detailed overview of the Florida Building Code: Building requirements for Means of Egress (chapter 10).
Contractors Institute
  • Building – Commercial
  • Building – Residential
  • Handout Materials
  • Lecture
  • Multimedia
    Course Reference Materials
    Date Attached File
    09/05/2023 1154-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADV EGRESS CLASS SYL.pdf
    10/10/2023 1154-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADV EGRESS INT SYL -REV.pdf
    11/16/2023 1154-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADV EGRESS INT SYL-REV2.pdf
    11/28/2023 1154-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADV EGRESS CLASS SYL REV3.pdf
    Course Presentation Materials
    Date Attached File
    09/05/2023 1154-0-PRESMAT-2023 ADV MEANS EGRESS - SLIDES.pdf
    10/10/2023 1154-0-PRESMAT-2023 FBC Means of Egress Advanced REV.pdf
    11/16/2023 1154-0-PRESMAT-2023 ADV EGRESS INT SLIDES REV2.pdf
    11/28/2023 1154-0-PRESMAT-2023 FBC EGRESS REV3.pdf
    12/04/2023 1154-0-PRESMAT-2023 FBC EGRESS REV3-2PG.pdf