Nodorah Training Institute - 2
Advanced Building Code Part-2 – (2023)
Course Type* Florida Building Code
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of accessibility compliance and building codes, with a focus on ensuring that places of public accommodation and commercial facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Participants will delve into the legal and regulatory framework, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and relevant state building codes, to gain a thorough grasp of the requirements and standards.
  • Accessibility
  • Computer/Internet/Online
    Course Reference Materials
    Date Attached File
    10/16/2023 1180-0-REFERMAT-ISDM-ABCode-Basics-Part-2.pdf
    11/20/2023 1180-0-REFERMAT-ISDM-ABCode 2023 2-Course Basics.pdf
    Course Presentation Materials
    Date Attached File
    10/16/2023 1180-0-PRESMAT-ISDM-ABCode-Course Info-Part-2.pdf
    11/20/2023 1180-0-PRESMAT-ISDM-ABCode (2023) 2-Course Information (1).pdf