JC Code & Construction Consultants, Inc.
2023 Advanced Building Code 8th Edition - Significant Code Changes - Internet
Course Type* Florida Building Code
The objective of this course is to review the significant code changes in the 8th Edition update to the 2023 Florida Building Code, as compared to the 7th Edition 2020 Florida Building Code.
Southard Engineering, Inc.
  • Building – Commercial
  • Computer/Internet/Online
    Course Reference Materials
    Date Attached File
    11/10/2023 1194-0-REFERMAT-Course Reference Materials.pdf
    11/28/2023 1194-0-REFERMAT-Course Reference Materials-Rev No 1.pdf
    Course Presentation Materials
    Date Attached File
    11/10/2023 1194-0-PRESMAT-2023 Advanced Building - Significant Code Changes.pdf
    11/28/2023 1194-0-PRESMAT-2023 Advanced Building - Significant Code Changes - Rev No 1.pdf