JDB Code Services, Inc.
2023 Advanced Florida Building Code: Building - Hurricane Mitigation Methodologies, 2023
Course Type* Florida Building Code
This 2-hour INTERNET course is designed to be a comprehensive review of wind/hurricane mitigation methodologies specific to opening protection, gable-end bracing, secondary water barriers, roof-to-wall connections and roof-deck attachments during re-roofing as well as the Uniform Mitigation Verification Form.
Contractors Institute
  • Building – Commercial
  • Building – Residential
  • Existing Building Code
  • Roofing
  • Computer/Internet/Online
  • Multimedia
    Course Reference Materials
    Date Attached File
    12/05/2023 1215-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADVANCED HURR INT SYL.pdf
    12/05/2023 1215-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADVANCED HURR INTCERT.pdf
    12/05/2023 1215-0-REFERMAT-2-HR HURR MIT QUIZ.pdf
    12/08/2023 1215-0-REFERMAT-2023 ADVANCED HURR INTCERT REV.pdf
    Course Presentation Materials
    Date Attached File
    12/05/2023 1215-0-PRESMAT-2023 2 HR Adv Hurricane Mit 2PG .pdf
    12/08/2023 1215-0-PRESMAT-2023 2 HR Adv Hurricane Mit REV3 .pdf