Concurrent with



March 30, 2010 at  2:00 pm

 Rm: 210L, Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee , Florida 32399-2100

The following meeting Objective were achieved by the Special Occupancy TAC:

  • To Review/Approve the agenda and minutes
  • To Consider Request for Declaratory Statement

  The meeting was called to order by Jon Hamrick, Chairman  and facilitated by Jeff Blair. The following members were present:
Bob Foster alternate for Bob Vincent, Cam Fentriss, Phillip Wisely, Gene Chaleki, Mark Boutin, Frank Frail, Jim Crochet.

Not in attendance: Jim Goodloe, Skip Gregory

The agenda and minutes were approved as sumitted (Minutes concurrent with Structural TAC) (Minutes concurrent with Fire TAC).

Purpose of this meeting was to discuss DCA10-DEC-045 by teleconference and give recommendations to the Florida Building Commission at the April 2010 meeting in Gainsville, Florida

Declaratory Statement DCA10-DEC-045  by George Merlin of George Merlin & Associates, Inc. The Special Occupancy TAC independently from the Structural TAC, voted to accept staff’s  recommendation on both questions as follows:


Question #1:

Is the exception in FBC 3109.1.1 applicable to all the preceeding items 1.,2., and 3., and therefore the proposed substantial improvement work described in Case #1 exempt from CCCL design standards because it’s to be built over and within the limits of an existing unmodified foundation? Yes or No?





Yes. According to Section 3109.1.1 Exception, the project as described in Case #1 above is not required to be re-designed to resist the predicted forces associated with a 100-year storm event.


Question # 2:

 Is the proposed work described in Case #2 exempt from CCCL design standards if the extent of the horizontal addition doesn’t advance farther than the seaward limits of the existing building and if the cost of the horizontal addition portion only does not constitute a substantial improvement to the existing structure (i.e. only the horizontal addition portion outside the limits of the existing foundation must be limited to cost less than 50% of the market value of the original existing structure , since the vertical addition over and within the limits of the existing unmodified foundation is exempt from cost consideration because it is already considered an exempt substantial improvement )? Yes or No?


Answer/Option #2:     

No, level of work noted for the project in question does constitute rebuilding.   

Seeing no additional business the Special Occupancy TAC, the Chairman Jon Hamrick called for the TAC to be adjourned

Adjourn 3pm