Florida Building Commission



Facilitator’s Summary Report of the

April 12, 2010

Teleconference Meeting

Tallahassee, Florida


Facilitation, Meeting and Process Design By


Report By Jeff A. Blair

FCRC Consensus Center

Florida State University




http:// consensus.fsu.edu


This document is available in alternate formats upon request to Dept. of Community Affairs,

Codes & Standards, 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399, (850) 487-1824





MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2010

Opening and Meeting Attendance

The meeting was opened at 10:00 AM, and the following Commissioners participated:

Raul L. Rodriguez, AIA, (Chair), Bob Boyer, Ed Carson, Kiko Franco, Herminio Gonzalez,

Jim Goodloe, Ken Gregory, Dale Greiner, Jeff Gross, Jon Hamrick, Scott Mollan,

Nicholas Nicholson, Rafael Palacios, Jim Schock, Chris Schulte, and Jeff Stone.


DCA Staff Present

Rick Dixon, Ila Jones, Mo Madani, and Jim Richmond.


Meeting Facilitation

The meeting was facilitated by Jeff Blair from the FCRC Consensus center at Florida State University. Information at: http://consensus.fsu.edu/


Project Webpage

Information on the project, including agenda packets, meeting reports, and related documents may be found in downloadable formats at the project webpage below:




Agenda Review and Approval

The Commission voted unanimously, 16 - 0 in favor, to approve the agenda as presented including the following objectives:


Ø      To Hear a Legislative Update

Ø      To Discuss Relevant Legislative Issues


Legislative Issues Update

Jim Richmond, Commission Attorney, provided an update on legislative issues of interest to the

Commission from the 2010 Florida Legislative Session, and answered member’s questions. Members

were provided a matrix with status updates for bills of interest to the Commission. Jim provided the

Commission  with a status update on SB 648 (Bennett: Commission’s recommendations), HB 663

(Aubuchon: expedited product approval, and roof mounted mechanical equipment), HB 975 (Fetterman/

Porth: reactive drywall taskforce), SB 1044 (Aronberg: reactive drywall taskforce), SB 2694 (Constantine: Commission’s recommendations), and HB 7095/SB 846 (Bennett: prohibits the adoption of ICC residential sprinkler requirements into FBC, Residential Volume).

Jim reported that HB 663 includes amendments to address Commission comments. In addition member

were provided an electronic version of the amended version of HB 663 and SB 648. Jim reported that HB 663

passed all committees, was read for the first time on the floor and is ready for a second reading.

Jim noted that SB 648 was adopted with one amendment by the Community Affairs Committee and before

being sent to the Senate for a vote must be heard by the Education Pre-K-12 Committee and the Ways

and Means Committee. Jim reported that the bills related to reactive drywall have made no progress.


Following is the status of legislation relevant to the Commission:

Bill #


Committees of Reference

Current Status



Sen. Bennett

Reg. Industries; Banking and Ins.; Comm. Aff; Ed. Pre-K - 12; Ways and Means

Heard by  Comm. Affairs 4/7, PCS adopted with one amendment

Matters resolved as requested by the Commission;

recommendations in tact as is funding source. Ed. Pre-K – 12

committee likely has two more meetings, 4/13 and 4/20,

Ways and Means will continue to meet throughout session.


Rep. Aubuchon

Ins, Bus, & Fin Affairs; Military & Local Affairs; Gen. Gov’t.

Passed all

committees; read 1st

time on the floor, 4/6

Will likely await passage of 648 through committee before

further action. Needs tweak to wind design of mech. equip.

and surcharge for consistency with 648, should be

accomplished on 2nd reading.


Sen. Bennett

Reg. Industries; Comm. Aff.; Banking and Ins.

Passed Comm. Aff. by unan vote

Companion to 7095 relating to sprinklers


Reps. Fetterman and Porth

Ins, Bus, & Fin Affairs; Military & Local Affairs; Gov’t Ops App.; Gen. Gov’t Policy Council

No Progress

Reactive Drywall Legislative Taskforce, FBC representative, adoption of standard for content of drywall by 1/2012


Sen. Aronberg

Reg. Ind.; Community                  Affairs; Environmental Pres;                 Trans and Econ Dev App; Rules

No Progress

See 975


Sen. Constantine

Comm Aff; Banking and Ins; Gov’t Oversight; Transp. and Econ. Dev. App.

No Progress

Codes Bill restricted to Commission recommendations

7095 Formerly GAP10-22

House Gov’t Affairs Comm.

Econ Dev & Comm Aff Policy Council

Passed Council 4/7 by

unan. vote

Bill to prevent adoption of ICC residential Sprinkler

Requirements; adds language pertaining to residential rental

properties, needs to be amended to be consistent with



Up-to-date information can be obtained via the Legislature’s website, http://www.leg.state.fl.us. Until a bill reaches the full chamber, amendments are most consistently available via committee pages linking to their meeting packets rather than from particular bill pages. Bill pages will reflect whether a particular bill is scheduled to be heard in Committee.



The Commission voted unanimously, 16 – 0 in favor, to adjourn at 10:35 AM.