Special Occupancy TAC……………………………………….Jon Hamrick, Chair
Attending members: Bob Vincent, Cam Fentriss, Skip Gregory, Phillip Wisely, Gene Chaleki, alternate Mark Boutin for Doug Melvin, Frank Frail, Jim Goodloe, Jim Croche, Tim Tolbert
DCA staff: Bruce Ketcham, Mo Madani, Rick Dixon
Member Steve Watson, resigned
A quorum was achieved for the Special Occupancy TAC
The agenda were approved as to include only minutes from the December 1, 2009 meeting. Also to include attending names of DCA staff members.
DCA10-DEC001 by George Merlin of
George Merlin Associates Inc.
Note: Motion to dismiss declaratory statement
DCA10-DEC001, due to lack of specific information. The vote was unanimous in
favor of the motion.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40AM
Bruce Ketcham 850-410-1568