Product Approval POC
May 6, 2007
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Embassy Suites Hotel
Product Approval POC Attendees: Ed Carson - Chair, Herminio Gonzales,
There was a quorum present.
1. The minutes for the March 26th POC meeting minutes were approved with amendments; The amendments were to add Chris Schultee as a POC attendee, and change the date on the minutes from May 26,2006 to March 26, 2007. The agenda was approved as submitted.
2. Update on prototype program by Michael Ashworth of DCA. He stated that that no proposals were submitted in response to the “Request for Proposal” issued by the Department to solicit a new administrator for the program.
Committee action: It was agreed that the program be put into a temporary status and be brought back if interest in the program increases. To temporarily suspend the program would require rule change to Rule 9B-74.
3. Product Approval Program Staff Report
(A). The Committee heard oral presentations from two
proposals for the Product Approval Administrator position: CAP Government and Ted Berman and Associates. The Committee asked a set of questions to
both parties and scored on their response.
Staff will combine the scores of the oral presentation with the score of
the written response. The final results will be posted on the Department of Management
Services (DMS) website Monday, May 7, 2007.
Committee action:
(B). Product Approval and Entities
Statistics Report.
Staff provided the committee a
statistical report, including products and entities approved to date.
(C). The Committee reviewed the staff report from the February POC and validation meeting and other requests to modify the subcategories of the products listed in Rule 9B-72. For more information see attached report from the POC (Proposed Comments to Rule 9B-72 as recommended by the POC).
(D) Jesus Gonzales Discussion and Staff Letter
The Committee reviewed the draft
letter and based on comments of interested groups the committee directed the
stakeholders to work with staff to come up with another draft for consideration
at the June meeting.
4. Discussion of Declaratory Statement: The committee discussed and provided recommendation on the following request for the following Declaratory Statement:
by Alfonso E. Oviedo-Reyes, President, Hunker Down
DCA07-DEC-078 by Siegfried W. Valentin, Southeast Region Director, AAMA
5. Other Business: none
6. Public Comment : Bob Lutz expressed that the evaluation report for FL1901 R-3 is not valid
due to the fact that the evaluator has a statement in the evaluation report
stating that he has no responsibility for the engineering calculations which
form the basis for the evaluation report.
7. A&A Report
(A) Review product approval and entity
The committee reviewed and provided
recommendation on product applications provided by A&A. See attached report.
(B). A&A provided a report with recommendations on nine entities for consideration as follows:
1. TST
4120, Architectural Testing, Inc.
2. TST 4744, National Certified
Testing Laboratories-York . - (Product
Testing Laboratory)- Approved
8. Adjourned at 3:40 P.M.
Action needed by the Commission:
1. Action: It was agreed that the program be put into a temporary status and be brought back if interest in the program increases. To temporarily suspend the program would require a change to Rule 9B-74.
2. Action on the following entities
1. TST
4120, Architectural Testing, Inc.
2. TST 4744, National Certified Testing Laboratories-York . - (Product Testing Laboratory)- Approved
3. Action on products reviewed for approval, conditional approval, deferral, and denial be approved.
Proposed Comments to Rule 9B-72
as recommended by the POC
May 7, 2007
1. Regarding Continuing Education Requirements for Validation Entities:
Because of the current improvements to the validation process under the proposed changes to Rule 9B-72 the Committee decided that continuing education for the validators is not necessary and the task requiring continuing education should be removed from the Commission workplan.
Revise 9B-72.010 Definitions (31)(e) shutters to add
subcategory “fabric storm panel”.
3. Revise
section 9B-72.070 (4) (e) and 9B-72.070 (5)(e) to add
the following: Exception: Installation instructions for windows including
attachment at minimum shall include the following:
1. Type, and grade of anchor, and/or manufacturers anchor
specifications, including minimum nominal size, minimum penetration into
substrate and minimum edge distances.
2. Type, physical dimensions, material and grade of any
accessory item or strap, if applicable.
3. Spacing of anchors, shims, accessory items and straps.
4. Illustrated diagrams of the attachment of the product
to the structure.
4. Validation Checklist
(A)Modify the following language to Rule
9B-72.130 (3)(a) Certification Method
Verify that no rational analysis is conducted under this method.
Otherwise the
evaluation method
must be used use another compliance method
to seek product approval.
(B) Modify the following language to Rule 9B-72.130 (3)(b) Test Report - Verify that no
rational analysis is conducted under this method. Otherwise an evaluation method must be used use another compliance method
to seek product approval.
(C) Modify the following language to add to Rule 9B-72.130 (3)(c) Evaluation Report From an Archtect or Engineer
If the Evaluation is not performed by a third party independent of the
manufacturer then verify validator’s certificate of independence.
(D) Modify the following language to Rule 9B-72.130 (3)(d) Evaluation Report From an Evaluation Entity as follows
Verify submission of the evaluator’s certification of
- Verify
the manufacturer installation instructions, including are in accordance with the[JG1] evaluation report, and attachment,
that they are
[JG1]Validator to check is these are qualified by the evaluation report.