Florida Building Commission

Education POC Minutes

May 2008


POC Members Present: Dick Browdy (Chair), Jon Hamrick, Herminio Gonzalez, Steve Bassett


Meeting Attendees:

Robert McCormick                                         Bill Norkunas

Jack Glenn                                                      Alex Kobryn

Jane Waddel                                                   Larry Schneider

Michael Clark                                     Lorraine Ross

Don Fuchs                                                      Frank ONeill                                         

Shelley Siegel                                      Sharon Mignardi

Ila Jones                                                         Tam Landis

Med Kopczynski                                            Bill Dumbaugh

Ken Snader                                                    Jay Johnson

Cameron Gunn                                                Jim Heise

Cam Fentriss




 Meeting called to order at 1:00 pm., May 6, 2008



1. Review and Approval of the May 2008 Agenda


Motion: To approve as submitted

Motion: Herminio Gonzalez

2nd:  Jon Hamrick

Approved Unanimously



2. Review and Approval of March 2008 Minutes


Motion: To approve as submitted

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd:  Steve Bassett

Approved Unanimously



3. Discuss the possibility of modifying the 2 hour Accessibility Course to become an online course.


The Chair asked Ila Jones to speak about this possibility. Ila stated that Florida State University has proposed taking the 2 hour accessibility course and converting it to an online course. FSU would buy the course for $600.00, convert it to an online course, then host it administratively. FSU would charge each participant $100.00 to take the course and split each fee by 50%, with the Commission making $50.00 per participant.


Larry Schneider stated that he thought that DCA was going to incentivize FSU differently than other providers. If FSU buys the course and then converts it to an online course---then they are being treated as other providers, which is acceptable to him.


The Chair asked Larry if he objects to FSU sharing revenue with the Commission. Larry stated that he felt that FSU was receiving preferential treatment---even though they were sharing the revenue.


Commissioner Gonzalez stated that he has heard during this discussion that FSU was going to share 50% of the revenue from course attendance.


Ila Jones stated that universities, such as FSU, create revenue sharing opportunities---especially with state agencies. FSU is saying that since the Commission is supplying an updated course, that they deserve 50% of the revenue. They (FSU) will convert and host the course for their 50% share of the revenue.


The Chair stated that the POC should create some guidelines for FSU and/or other providers who want to share revenue with the Commission. He further stated that the process should be transparent and fair.


Commissioner Gonzalez asked if FSU gave 50% of the revenue to the Commission---where does the money go---and what does FSU get out of the relationship.


Ila Jones stated that the money goes into the FBC trust fund and that the trust fund can be raided by the Legislature (as what happened during the last session).


Commissioner Bassett stated that the Professional Engineering Society has a similar arrangement with the University of North Florida, where they created an online engineering course and split the revenue with the Engineering Society.


The Chair stated that providers who want to share revenue with the Commission:

  • Should pay for any course in question, and
  • The Commission shouldn’t do anything different for the provider, which includes any special marketing efforts.


Med Kopczynski stated that in the context of fairness, he doesn’t want to see this online accessibility course being known as the only online accessibility course that licensees are aware of.


Jane Waddel stated that a similar issue will be forthcoming with the 4 hour core course requirement in that at some point, providers who teach the core as an instructor lead course will not be able to report attendance numbers to DCA.


Ila Jones stated that when the core course was being updated, they determined that only about 300 individuals had taken the course this past year. She further said that it will cost approximately $50,000.00 to update the reporting process---meaning that there are too few individuals taking the course to justify the updating of the reporting process. She said that they will try to work something else out about this with DBPR.


Larry Schneider stated that he thought that the Accessibility TAC should not be involved in the review of the course.


The Chair stated that in light of all of the comments regarding this issue, that the POC has no objections to FSU converting the accessibility course to an online course and administratively hosting said course. He further stated that the POC has no problem with FSU splitting the revenue (50 – 50) with the Commission.




4. Discuss and review the draft training materials and downloadable Manual/Toolkit for training providers regarding “training course development guidelines”.


The Chair asked the Education Administrator to describe these materials related to “training course development guidelines”.


The Education Administrator stated that their were two sets of materials and an outline. The outline described the content of both sets of materials. One set was the actual Powerpoint presentation to be used in an actual training course for training providers. The other set of materials was an unfinished draft of a Manual/Toolkit, which would be a downloadable document located on the BCIS and other websites. The Manual is again, primarily for providers of advanced courses, which describe all of the processes around the submission and accreditation of advanced courses. It also describes how to create a course from scratch, using the professional standards found in the Instructional Systems Design Methodology.


The Chair stated that both documents need further review because of their draft status. He said that he and other Commissioners would review and comment on the documents, so they can be presented at the June POC meeting.



5. Discuss and/or respond to a summary of contract activities and deliverables, for the contract of “The Florida Building Code Compliance and Mitigation Program’, to be given by a representative from Building A Safer Florida, Inc.


The Chair asked that Cam Fentriss present her report on BASF contract activities. Cam stated that BASF has hosted three Design and Construction Forum meetings, with the last being held on May 5, 2008. The DCF group, at the May 5th meeting, prioritized a list of course areas, which the group felt should have courses developed addressing those areas. The areas identified and prioritized were:

  • Hurricane mitigation and roofing specific courses
  • Chapter 10 – Egress issues
  • Florida Energy Code compliance
  • Structural/non-structural and MEP Plan review
  • Sprinkler and fire alarm courses


Cam stated that four out of the five areas are currently having courses developed about them. She said that another discussion item with the group was how to influence providers to both develop more courses and develop courses needed in specific areas, such as green building. She said that the complete list of identified course areas can be found at the BASF website, at buildingasaferflorida.org.


Cam stated that the DCF was structured to be informal, which should lead to increased participation. Also, to keep down costs, the meetings can be attended by conference call-in.


The Chair asked Cam if she knows if funding will be available after July 1, 2008, for continued contract activities through BASF. Cam stated that she didn’t expect funds to be available, but that the DCF meetings could continue through BASF.


Cam stated that the training and accreditation modules in the BCIS were being re-designed under the current BASF contract. Cam also said that Eric Stafford, through a contract with BASF, is creating documents that describe and explain the differences between the 2007 code and the previous versions.


6. Discuss and review the available options regarding the development of educational advanced courses, which would consist of relatively new content areas in the industry (Such as green building), that could have difficulty meeting the 50% code content requirement, due to the lack of existing code.


The Chair stated that a possible issue has arisen regarding green building type courses. Specifically, the Commission requires that at least 50% of the content of advanced courses should be directly related to the building code. Currently, there isn’t much code in existence that directly relates to green building, except regarding energy and building. So should the POC make exceptions with green courses and loosen the 50% code content requirement?


Both Commissioner Gonzalez and Commissioner Hamrick stated that they felt their was sufficient code references available to create green courses and meet the 50% requirement.


Med Kopczynski said that he currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the ICC Green Building Committee. He stated that the current green building standards are based on the IRC standards. But he thinks that courses specific to the current Fla. Building Code can be developed, especially around energy efficiency.


Jack Glenn said that he agrees with Med’s assessment. He did say that to meet the 50% requirement, courses might contain some redundancy---because code references will be used in the courses that have nothing to do with green building.


Commissioner Gonzalez stated that any code used in a green building course which is related to building, should be acceptable under the 50% code requirement.


Commissioner Bassett stated that he has been heavily involved in green building lately, and that a creative provider should be able to develop a one or two hour green building course, which meet the 50% requirement.


The Chair stated that at some point in the future, green type courses will be required as part of license renewal requirements.


Jack Glenn speculated that it might be an issue in the very near future, for providers who submit green building type courses to boards for approval, which are not code related. Sharon Mignardi stated that in fact, the CILB is currently approving these types of green building type courses.


The Chair stated that at this point, he doesn’t see a compelling reason to change or loosen the 50% code content requirement for specialty type course areas, such as green building.




6. Review Pending “Accreditor” Applications for Recommendation to the Commission

(None pending)          



7.  Education Administrator Activity Report

The Education Administrator reported to the POC what activities he performed between March 3, 2008 and April 21, 2008. The following areas were reported on:

  • Phone calls handled
  • Emails handled
  • Correspondence written and sent
  • Meetings attended
  • Products developed (E.g., Course Audit Form, Draft of Training Course and Toolkit/Manual for Course Development Guidelines, Spreadsheet for all BCIS Courses)

No comments were made or offered about the reports contents.



8. Identify future POC member discussion items.


Commissioner Norkunas noted that only two accreditors showed up as accrediting courses listed on the agenda. He asked why only two accreditors---why not more than two.


The Chair responded by stating that he did not know the reason why only two accreditors were used for the courses on today’s agenda, as he thought there were nine different approved accreditors. He further stated that the Commission wants more accreditors and that the POC has overtly solicited individuals to apply as an accreditor.


Bob McCormick asked the Education Administrator if the spreadsheet listing the BCIS courses and course information could be posted on a website for public consumption.


The Education Administrator stated that he thought it could be posted on both the DCA and BASF websites, and that he would find out and post if possible.



9. General Public Comment


No public comment was given.



10. Summary and Review of Meeting Work Products/Action Items, Assignments, and Next Steps


The Chair stated that it was a major concern for him that, especially in light of the recent budget cuts, that the viability of the POC to oversee parts of the construction industry’s education program was being threatened. He stated that he thought the Commission has done “good work” and would like to see it continue. He encouraged everyone sitting in the room to contact their legislator and let it be known that the current education program should remain a priority for the industry.



Adjourn (Adjourned at 2:07 pm.)

Motion: To adjourn

Motion: Herminio Gonzalez

2nd:  Jon Hamrick

Approved Unanimously




Recommended Commission Actions


The following courses, under the ‘Accredited, Pending FBC Approval” status, were approved by the POC.



Course: Advanced Fla. Building Code (Frontage Increase)

Provider: Codeaccess

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc.

BCIS # 285.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Advanced Hurricane Mitigation Retrofits

Provider: Broward County Board of Rules and Appeals

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc.

BCIS # 280.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously




Course: Dealing With HB 7057 and Roof Tile Hip and Ridge Issues

Provider: FRSA-Fla. Rfg. Sheet Metal, Air Condit. Cont. Assn.

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc.

BCIS # 278.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Fla. Building Code Mitigation Guidelines

Provider: Fla. Home Builders Assn.

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc.

BCIS # 294.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: FRSA/TRI Concrete & Clay Tile Installation Manual 4th Edit., Hip and Ridge Attachment and Upgrade

Provider: FRSA-Fla. Rfg. Sheet Metal, Air Condit. Cont. Assn.

Accreditor: JDB Code Services, Inc.

BCIS # 281.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Advanced Fla. Building Code Entrapment Protection For Suction Inlets (2004 code)

Provider: Fla. Pool and Spa Assn/NSPI-Fl.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 293.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously




Course: Advanced Fla. Building Code Entrapment Protection For Suction Inlets (2007 code)

Provider: Fla. Pool and Spa Assn/NSPI-Fl.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 283.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Advanced Module: Private Provider Inspections

Provider: Edward Renzi

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 286.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Fla. Advanced Building Code

Provider: South Fla. Chapter AGC

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 276.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Advanced Fair Housing Act or The Seven Deadly Sins of the FHA

Provider: Larry Schneider AIA

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 292.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course: Advanced Building Code Course: A Review of Selected 2006 & 2007 Changes to the 2004 Fla. Building Code

Provider: Gray Systems, Inc.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 295.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously




Course: Advanced Code Module for Electricians

Provider: Mike Holt Enterprises, Inc.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS # 300.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd: Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously




Updated Course Approvals

The courses listed below have been updated with the 2006 Code Supplement. The chair listed all of the courses and asked for a Consent Agenda approval for all of the courses.


Motion: To approve all courses as submitted

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2nd:  Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



Course and #                Provider                       Accreditor                    Date of Approval


2004 Fl. Building          Smith, Currie, &           BCIC LLC                   3/13/08

Code Building               Hancock LLC 

Structural (#87.1)


2004 Fl. Building          IEC,FWCC                 BCIC LLC                   3/11/08

Code Building

Structural (#188.1)


Advanced Admin.         Becker and                   BCIC LLC                   3/3/2008

(#77.2)                         Poliakoff


2007 Fla. Bldg.            Building Officials           BCIC LLC                   4/15/2008

Code-Chptrs. 5,6         Assn. of Fla.

7 (#210.1)



Note: This document is available in alternate formats upon request to the Department of Community Affairs, Codes and Standards, 255 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, Fl. 32399, (850) 487 – 1824.