Florida Building Commission

Education POC Minutes

May 2007


POC Members Present: Dick Browdy (Chair), Jon Hamrick, Pete Tagliarini, Herminio Gonzalez

Absent: Steve Bassett


Meeting Attendees:


Bill Dumbaugh Bill Norkunas

Bob McCormick Rick Watson

Joe Hayden Larry Schneider

Alex Kobryn Don Fuchs

Cam Fentriss Med Kopczynski

Sharon Mignardi John OConner

Bob Boyer Rhonda Koning

Rick Dixon

1. Review and Approval of May 2007 Agenda


The agenda was amended to include within the “General Public Comment” Section,

•  A legislative update by Cam Fentriss

•  Discussion regarding ADA changes at the Federal level, by Commissioner Bill Norkunas

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2 nd : Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously As Amended



2. Review and Approval of March 2007 Minutes


Motion: Jon Hamrick

2 nd : Heminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously



3. Discuss the development of a possible procedure regarding “How to revoke an accreditor?”


The Chair asked Jim Richmond, the General Counsel, to comment on this. Jim Richmond stated that there exists a process in Chapter 120, which would address the “revocation of an accreditor”. He stated that the basic process would apply, starting with the drafting of an administrative complaint, through either a formal or informal hearing.


The Chair asked if there should be some preliminary steps added to the current CH. 120 process.


Jim Richmond stated that the proceeding should start with the POC. He said that for example, the complaint should be brought to the Education Administrator, who then presents it to the POC, who then presents it for full Commission approval---to then move into the actual Chapter 120 procedures.


Rick Dixon suggested that the POC review the current process that Product Approval uses, which he thinks would be applicable in this situation regarding the initial steps taken to revoke an accreditor. The Chair asked the Education Administrator to bring the suggested Product Approval process to the next POC meeting for discussion and review.


Alex Kobryn asked the Chair, what issues would start this process of revoking an accreditor's status?


Jim Richmond stated that he could think of a couple of examples:

4. Discuss BCIS Update Workgroup Session on April 9, 2007 .


The Education Administrator stated that a BCIS Workgroup Update session was held in Orlando , Fla. , on April 14, 2007 . The meeting had few attendees (both providers and accreditors), but they had many suggestions. Harah Day, the BCIS site administrator, was also present. A few of the suggestions from the attendees are listed below.


1.) Create an example (template) of a course syllabus and place it “where course materials are uploaded”.

2.) “How To Buy a Course” – make it clear that courses for sale need to be updated

3.) “Register As An Accreditor” – Place an explanation of what it means to be an accreditor (Role and responsibilities)

4.) “Target Audience” – Add space and add ability for #s…also add field – “Code Edition”

5.) When uploading files, the File Name has a 50 character limitation – providers need an error message when they make a mistake

6.) For re-accreditation, after a provider uploads their files, they need to know that the files were actually uploaded

7.) The Education Administrator should receive an email saying a course is ready to be approved

8.) Have more Search options…E.G., Online Course for One Hour

9.) Have more relevant links that are easily accessible, such as to DBPR and the various Construction Boards

10.) For providers, explain in plain view that accreditors are not government employees but rather private contractors

11.) Provide reasons (in plain view) why courses must be accredited


The Chair stated that he would like to see the BCIS more accessible to licensees. For example, he said that licensees should be able to search for a course and where it is taught, by the subject matter of the course. He also said that within this type of search, courses should be categorized as accredited or not.


Sharon Mignardi stated that courses can currently be searched according to the listed trade areas.


Cam Fentriss stated that BASF is doing something like this for their members from their (BASF) website, using EXCEL spreadsheets to disperse various types of course information.


Alex Kobryn suggested that hyperlinks be created that link the BCIS website to the various board websites, to use the course information listed on those board websites.

Besides the previous discussion, no action was taken.


5. Review Pending “Accreditor” Applications for Recommendation to the Commission

(None pending)



•  Education Administrator Activity Report


The Education Administrator reported to the POC what activities he performed between March 29, 2007 and May 4, 2007 . The following areas were reported on:

The administrator facilitated a meeting on April 9, 2007 , in Orlando , Florida , to gain input from training providers and accreditors regarding the updating of the training and accreditation modules in the BCIS. Input was received and will be used by the BCIS site administrator when changes are being made later in this fiscal year.

No comments were made or offered about the reports contents.


7. Identify future POC member discussion items.


There were no items identified for future discussion, other than those that emanated from the agenda items, which will be discussed at the next POC meeting.


8. General Public Comment


1.) The Chair asked Cam Fentriss to give a legislative update. Cam stated that the final language regarding the Building Code Education and Outreach Council (BCEOC) was passed as Senate Bill 2836 and to look for the enrolled version. She stated that it passed on the last day and will probably take about a month before the final version finds the Governor's desk and will probably be signed (or not) by the Governor within 15 days.


Cam stated that the BCEOC has been abolished. The bill also removes the responsibility from the POC to approve training courses one at a time. So with the POC not approving courses, the course approval process would now consist of----a course being submitted and accredited and then goes directly to the various boards for review and approval. The intent is to speed up the course approval process.


The responsibilities of the FBC regarding course approval is to monitor the current accreditation process and to adopt through a rule change the qualifications of accreditors.


The Chair asked Jim Richmond, from a legal/procedural standpoint, how do these changes specifically affect the current course approval process? Jim stated that he will have to review the current language and report at the next POC meeting about any specific procedural changes.


Larry Schneider asked Jim Richmond what the effective date was when this language officially becomes law. Jim stated that it becomes law when the Governor actually signs the bill.


2.) Commissioner Bill Norkunas stated that currently in the State of Florida there is no licensing for those individuals who work or deal with accessibility issues, including training. He further stated that ADA requirements will soon be changed at the federal level, which means that accessibility courses in the State of Florida will need to be updated, then re-accredited. Given this sequence of events, Commissioner Norkunas wanted to know, without a licensing requirement, what are the credentials of those accreditors who review and approve accessibility courses.


The Chair stated that the POC has asked, as part of the accreditor approval process, that accreditors who approve accessibility courses have an appropriate amount of experience. He also said that if the POC identified mistakes made by an accreditor reviewing/approving an accessibility course---then the accreditor would be dealt with appropriately.


Cam Fentriss stated that we shouldn't develop a lot of mandates regarding accreditors, but rather should encourage qualified individuals in the industry to become accreditors. We also should develop strategies to encourage more private provider course development. Cam stated that Building A Safer Florida is increasing their effort to recruit more accreditors.


The Chair stated that we need to encourage---and make easier for licensees the use of the BCIS. He also thought the pool of accreditors should be enlarged, especially encouraging the trade associations (E.g., the Florida Home Builders Association) to become involved. He again stated that he felt the current accreditation process was an effective way to review and approve industry training courses.


3.) Cam Fentriss stated that another bill that passed, SB 7057 (the mitigation bill), was worth mentioning. The intent of the bill was that:

4.) Cam Fentriss stated that the CILB now requires a one-hour Laws and Rules course credit.


5.) Med Kopczynski stated that a few DCA developed courses do not contain at least 50% of code related information. The Chair asked if Med would send the list of courses to the Education Administrator for review.


6.) Alex Kobryn suggested that an RFP be let regarding federal ADA changes.


9. Summary and Review of Meeting Work Products/Action Items, Assignments, and Next Steps


The Chair asked that if anyone had any suggestions for agenda items for the next meeting, to please contact the Education Administrator with that information.



Motion: Jon Hamrick

2 nd : Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously




Recommended Commission Actions


The following courses, under the ‘Accredited, Pending FBC Approval” status, were approved by the POC.


Course: Advanced New Building Updates FBC with 2005 and 2006

Provider: Boss Construction School

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS #: 234

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2 nd : Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously


Course: Fl. Building Code Advanced 04: Residential-Floors, Walls and Roofs

Provider: Red Vector.com, Inc.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS #: 230

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2 nd : Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously


Updated Course Approvals

The courses listed below have been updated with the 2006 Code Supplement. The chair listed all of the courses and asked for a Consent Agenda approval for all of the courses.


Motion: Course # 51.1, 2004 Advanced Code-IEQ Overview, was withheld from the consent agenda to make sure the course contains at least 50% of building code related content. As the result of a review, the course will be placed on the next POC meeting's agenda. All other courses were approved.

Motion: Jon Hamrick

2 nd : Herminio Gonzalez

Approved Unanimously


Course and # Provider Accreditor Date of Approval


Advanced Code: Contractor's Tanenbaum 4/16/07

Mechanical/Energy Institute Construction, Inc.

(# 82.1)


Advanced Code: Contractor's Tanenbaum 4/16/07

Mechanical/Energy Institute Construction, Inc.

(Internet) (# 83.1)


Advanced Code: Contractor's Tanenbaum 4/16/07

Plumbing/Fuel Gas Institute Construction, Inc.

(# 80.1)


Advanced Code: Contractor's Tanenbaum 4/16/07

Plumbing/Fuel Gas Institute Construction, Inc.


Note: This document is available in alternate formats upon request to the Department of Community Affairs, Codes and Standards, 255 Shumard Oak Blvd. , Tallahassee , Fl. 32399, (850) 487 – 1824.