

Fire Technical Advisory Committee 

May 8, 2007

8:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M.


Embassy Suites Hotel

3705 Spectrum Boulevard

Tampa , Florida 33612



(1) Members present :

•  Approved agenda and minutes.

Fire TAC………………………………………… Nick D'Andrea, Chairman

Joe Belcher, Hamid Bahadori, Jeff Gross, Brad Schiffer, James Goodloe, Tony Apfelbeck, Dale Greiner.


(2) Declaratory Statement Request DCA07-DEC-065


Discuss and provide recommendation on the following request for Declaratory Statement:

DCA07-DEC-065 Petitioner, Andrew Johnston, Harbor Home Improvements

Question 1. Does section 505.1 of the Florida Building Code, Existing Building (FBC, EB) allow the installation of emergency egress windows the same size of the existing ones.


Answer - Yes. T he section does not require replacement windows to meet the current code requirements for emergency escape and rescue openings. An emergency escape and rescue opening is only required to meet the requirements for emergency escape and rescue openings in effect when the building was built . Additionally, the section allows a reduction of up to 5% in the size of the opening.


(3) Incorporation of Florida specific requirements into the 2007 Florida Building Code.


The Committee reviewed the incorporations of the Florida specific requirements into the 2006 I Codes base documents for specific chapters in the Building Volume, Existing Building Volume, and Residential Volume of the Florida Building Code and provided staff with comments for consideration. Staff will analysis the comments and provide the TAC members and the Commentors feedback on whether the comments can be incorporated into the proposed 2007 draft or that such comment is a code change that needs to be addressed by the Commission.


Adjourned at 9:45 A.M.



Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in format upon request. Contact the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard , Tallahassee , Florida , 32399-2100 or call 850-487-1824