Code Administration Technical Advisory Committee
June 24th 2008
10:00 am
Rosen Centre Hotel
9840 International Drive
Orlando , Florida 32819
Phone: (407) 996-9840
Code Administration TAC:
George Wiggins, Chairman
Dick Browdy, Ed Carson, Herminio Gonzalez, Hamid Bahadori, Randy Vann, Matt Carlton, John O'Connor, Nick D'Andrea, and Bill Dumbaugh.
Meeting Objective:
1. Call to Order-review/approve agenda and minutes…………..……… George Wiggins, Chairman
2. Review and provide recommendations to the Commission on the request for declaratory statement DCA08-DEC-142 by Jerry Sparks, Director, Hillsborough County Building Services Division, Planning and Growth Management Department.
3. Review and discuss proposed code changes to Chapter 1 of the FBC, Building and provide recommendation for consideration. Mod # 2862, 2863, 3223, 2882, 2936, 2929, 2939, 3176, 2930, 2932, 2933, 3011, 3174, 2934, 3127, 3221, 3144
4. Any new business.
5. Adjourn.