TO: Training Course Providers


FROM: Michael Clark

Building Code Education Administrator

RE: Future Development of Training Courses

DATE: June 21, 2006

Many Training Course Providers have taken advantage of the opportunity to buy both advanced and core courses from the Department of Community Affairs and use those courses as the basis for their training curriculum for license renewal. As of xxxxxxxxxxxxx, the Department of Community Affairs will no longer develop new course materials. This means that from xxxxxxxx, each training provider will be responsible for developing whatever new course materials they want to use to train their respective customer base.


Courses that were previously purchased (and will still be able to be purchased in the future) from the Department of Community Affairs can be used as long as they meet whatever current standards or criteria that are described in statute, and of course, reflect the current building code. In short, providers will still be responsible for updating purchased course materials.


We appreciate your assistance with this matter and if you have any questions, please contact me at 850.766.2023.