Florida Building Commission

June Education POC Minutes


Telephone Conference Call Number 1-888-808-6959, Access Code:  1967168
In Person Attendance: Room 250L, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida

June 5, 2009

Time 10:00 a.m. ET


POC Members Present: Dick Browdy (Chair), Jon Hamrick, Ken Gregory

POC Member(s) Absent: Tony Grippa, Herminio Gonzalez


Meeting Attendees Identified:


Jen Hatfield                                      Cam Fentriss                        

Med Kopczynski                              Jim Richmond

Alex Kobryn                                      Sharon Mignardi                              

Ila Jones                                           Bernice Ryder-Smith           

Jane Waddel                                   

Michael Clark          

Meeting was called to order at 10:07 a.m., June 5, 2009



1. Review and approval of the June 2009 Agenda


Motion: To approve as submitted

Motion: Jon Hamrick

Second:  Ken Gregory

Approved Unanimously



2. Review and approval of March 2009 Minutes


Motion: To approve as submitted

Motion: Jon Hamrick

Second:  Ken Gregory

Approved Unanimously




3. Report on the Rule Adoption Hearing for amendments to Rule 9B-70.002, Florida Administrative Code


The Chair asked Jim Richmond to report on this item. Jim reported that a Rule Development Workshop was held at the April Commission meeting on 9B-70.002 and that no comments were forthcoming concerning the language. He stated that a Rule Hearing on 9B – 70.002 will be held next week at the June Commission meeting.



4.  Report on and discuss relevant information affecting the FBC education/accreditation program requirements, resulting from the 2009 Florida Legislative Session.


The Chair asked Cam Fentriss to report on this item.


Cam reported that HB 425 (DBPR Bill) passed, which eliminated the core course requirements in the various licensing statutes. However, SB 2100 did not pass, which included a provision to eliminate the core course requirement from Chapter 553. So, in effect, while the core course and its requirement still exist in Chapter 553, F.S., the affected licensees (architects, engineers, construction contractors, electrical contractors, building code administrators and inspectors, landscape architects, and interior designers) are no longer required to take the course in order to comply with their individual licensing requirements.


Cam also stated that the core course requirement stays in effect until October 1, 2009. So, with a license renewal deadline of August 31, 2009, this requirement is still viable.



5. Review pending accredited courses for recommendation to the Commission


Course: Advanced Course For Pool Contractors – The 2007 Florida Building Code

Provider: Aquatic Training Institute

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 359.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content.

Motion: Jon Hamrick

Second: Ken Gregory

Approved Unanimously


Course: 2007 Florida Accessibility Code For Building Construction - Advanced

Provider: American Society of Landscape Architects Fla. Chapter

Accreditor: Larry M. Schneider AIA

BCIS Course Number: 356.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content.

Motion: Jon Hamrick

Second: Ken Gregory

Approved Unanimously


Course: Advanced Code Module Course For Electricians

Provider: Mike Holt Enterprises, Inc.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 349.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content.

Motion: Jon Hamrick

Second: Ken Gregory

Approved Unanimously



Course: Advanced Code Module Course For Electricians - Online

Provider: Mike Holt Enterprises, Inc.

Accreditor: BCIC LLC

BCIS Course Number: 350.0

Motion: Course approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content.

Motion: Jon Hamrick

Second: Ken Gregory

Approved Unanimously



6. Review administratively approved updated advanced courses for recommendation to Commission


The Chair asked for a Consent Motion for the administratively approved courses listed below.


Course: Advanced FBC Enforcement and Education

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 169.1


Course: Advanced FBC Enforcement and Education

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 170.1


Course: Advanced FBC: Florida Building Commission

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 179.1


Course: Advanced FBC: Florida Building Commission

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 178.1


Course: Advanced FBC Permits and Applications

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 172.1


Course: Advanced FBC Permits and Applications

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 173.1



Course: Advanced Florida Building Code

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 175.1


Course: Advanced Florida Building Code

Provider: BCIC LLC

Accreditor: Bill Dumbaugh

BCIS Course Number: 176.1


Consent Motion: Courses approved based on the FBC accreditation process that only verifies the accuracy of the Florida Building Code related content.

Motion: Ken Gregory

Second: Jon Hamrick

Approved Unanimously



7. Review pending accreditor applications for recommendation to the Commission (none pending)