Florida Building Commission

Energy Rating Index Workgroup

August 17, 2016—Meeting II

Embassy Suites

1100 S.E. 17th Street—Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Meeting Objectives

Ř To Approve Regular Procedural Topics (Agenda and Meeting Summary Report)

Ř To Review Options Proposed Regarding Onsite Renewable Power Generation

Ř To Evaluate Level of Acceptability of Proposed Options Regarding Onsite Renewable Power Generation

Ř To Consider General Public Comment

Ř To Identify Needed Next Steps: Information, Assignments, and Agenda Items for Next Meeting


Meeting Agenda—Wednesday, August 17, 2016

All Agenda Times—Including Adjournment—Are Approximate and Subject to Change

*Note Meeting Will Start at 10:00 AM or Immediately Upon Conclusion of FBC Plenary Session Whichever is Later

10:00 AM*


Welcome and Introductions



Agenda Review and Approval (August 17, 2016)



Approval of Facilitator’s Summary Report(July 20, 2016)
Minutes (July 20, 2016)



Review of Proposed Options Submitted for Evaluation Regarding the Amount of Onsite Renewable Power Generation That Can Be Credited Toward the ERI Score


Belcher Burk Cain Calleja
Hickman 1 Hickman 2 Power Ranck
Ross Strawn Stroer 1 Stroer 2 (.xlsx)



Discussion and Evaluation of Proposed Options in Turn


Lunch If Needed—Depending On Start Time of Workgroup Meeting



Discussion and Evaluation of Proposed Options in TurnContinued



General Public Comment



Next Steps: Agenda Items, Needed Information, Assignments, Date and Location






Meeting Dates and Locations—2016


July 20, 2016



August 17, 2016

Ft. Lauderdale


September 1, 2016



Workgroup Membership



1.     Amador Barzaga

Mechanical Code Compliance and Training Office (Miami-Dade County)

2.    Steve Bassett

Mechanical Engineers (Commissioner)

3.     Joe Belcher

Homebuilders (Florida Homebuilders Association)

4.     Kelley Smith Burk

State Energy Office (FDACS Office of Energy) (Commissioner)

5.     Joe Cain

Solar Energy Industry (Solar Energy Industry Associates)

6.     Brent Caldwell

Utilities (TECO) and (Energy TAC Member)

7.     Oscar Calleja

Mechanical Contractors (Commissioner)

8.     Jay Carlson

General Contractors (Commissioner)

9.     Amanda Hickman

Large Scale Homebuilders (Leading Builders of America)

10.   Michael Kwart

Building Product Manufacturers (Insulation Contractors Ass. of America)

11.   Michael Power

Building Product Manufacturers (American Chemistry Council)

12.  Lorraine Aulisio Ross

Building Product Manufacturers (Dow)

13.   Jim Schock

Building Officials (Commissioner)

14.  Drew Smith

Green Building Industry (Commissioner)

15.  Eric Stafford

Homebuilders (South Florida Builders Association)

16.  Steve Strawn

Building Product Manufacturers (Windows)

17. Dennis Stroer

Energy Raters

18.  Lauren Westmorland

Energy Advocates (Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance)

19. Mark Zehnal

Roofing Contractors (Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Association)

DBPR Staff

April Hammonds

FBC Legal Counsel

Mo Madani

Technical Manager

Jim Richmond

Executive Director


Jeff Blair

FCRC Consensus Center at Florida State University


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Energy Rating Index Workgroup


The 2016 Legislature through passage of HB 535 (Section 34) required the Commission to amend the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) Energy Conservation, to adopt into the Code Section 406 Alternative Performance Path, Energy Rating Index, in conformance with the provisions described in statute. At the June 8, 2016 meeting the Commission conducted a rule development workshop and adopted language to implement this provision.


In addition, Section 34 assigned the Commission with determining by October 1, 2016, whether onsite renewable power generation may be used as a compliance option when using the Energy Rating Index (ERI)

alternative path for demonstrating compliance with the energy provisions of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. The commission must also determine whether onsite renewable power generation may be used for a period longer than three years but not more than six consecutive years. In response to this Legislative assignment and based on the Energy TAC’s recommendation, at the June 8, 2016 meeting the Commission voted to convene an Energy Rating Index Workgroup, and to charge the Workgroup with developing consensus recommendations to the Commission pursuant to Section 34 of HB 535 regarding onsite renewable power generation.


Section 34 of HB 535 requires that the Florida Building Commission shall adopt into the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) Energy Conservation, the following:

"Section 406 relating to the Alternative Performance Path, Energy Rating Index of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) may be used except as follows for Table R406.4 as an option for demonstrating compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. TABLE R406.4 MAXIMUM ENERGY RATING INDEX shall reflect the following energy rating index: for Climate Zone 1, an index of 58; for Climate Zone 2, an index of 58. The Florida Building Commission shall continue its current adoption process of the 2015 IECC and determine by October 1, 2016, whether onsite renewable power generation may be used for compliance. The commission must also determine whether onsite renewable power generation may be used for a period longer than three years but not more than six consecutive years."




Workgroup Scope and Timetable for Delivery

The scope of the Energy Rating Index Workgroup is as follows:

The scope of the Energy Rating Index Workgroup is to identify and evaluate relevant issues and options regarding the use of onsite renewable power generation as an option for demonstrating compliance with the energy provisions of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation when using the Energy Rating Index (ERI) as an alternative compliance path. In addition, the Workgroup shall also recommend the duration for which onsite renewable power generation should be provided with credit toward the ERI score required to comply with the energy provisions of the Code. The Workgroup shall deliver their consensus recommendations to the Florida Building Commission in advance of the October 1, 2016 deadline established for the Commission to report back to the Florida Legislature.



Key Issues for Workgroup Evaluation


Key Issues for Workgroup Evaluation


1.          Whether onsite renewable power generation should be an option to achieve compliance when using the ERI path (counted toward the ERI score adopted into the Code).

Current Workgroup Recommendation:

The Workgroup voted unanimously, 18 – 0 in favor, to conceptually support the use of onsite renewable power generation as an option to achieve compliance when using the ERI path (counted toward the ERI score adopted into the Code).


2.         The amount of time onsite renewable power generation can be used as an option for achieving compliance when using the ERI path.

Current Workgroup Recommendation:

The Workgroup voted unanimously, 18 – 0 in favor, to recommend that there not be a time stipulation for any approved Code modification providing for the use of onsite renewable power generation. The Workgroup agreed that since the Legislation appeared to stipulate a timeframe of between 3 – 6 years that the Commission should request the maximum time of 6 years, request that the Legislature clarify their intent in this regard, and recommend to the Legislature that there should not be any timeframes associated with this provision.


3.         The amount of onsite renewable power generation that can be credited toward the ERI score.

Status of Workgroup Evaluation:

The Workgroup is currently evaluating proposed options regarding the amount of onsite renewable power generation that can be credited toward the ERI score.


Acceptability Rating Scale for Options and Recommendations

During the evaluation of proposed options Workgroup members will be asked to develop and rate the acceptability of options. Members with concerns about an option should be prepared to offer specific refinements or changes to address reservations. Following discussion and refinement, members may be asked to do additional acceptability ratings of an option or options if requested. In general, 4s and 3s are in favor of an option and 2s and 1s are opposed. Once rated for acceptability, options(s) with a 75% or greater number of 4s and 3s in proportion to 2s and 1s will be considered preliminary consensus recommendations for inclusion in the final package of recommendations.

At any point during the process, any option may be re-evaluated and rated at the request of any Workgroup member. The status of a rated option will not be final until the final Workgroup meeting, when a vote will be taken on the entire package of consensus ranked recommendations. The following scale will be utilized:


Rating Scale

4 = Acceptable,

I agree

3 = Acceptable, I agree with minor reservations

2 = Not Acceptable, I don’t agree unless major reservations addressed

1 = Not Acceptable


Public Comment Form


The Florida Building Commission and the Energy Rating Index Workgroup encourage written comments—All written comments will be included in the meeting summary report.




Meeting Date:                                                                                                                                          


Please make your comment(s) as specific as possible, and offer suggestions to address your concerns.


Please limit comment(s) to topics within the scope of the Workgroup, and refrain from any personal attacks or derogatory language.


The facilitator may, at his discretion, limit public comment to a maximum of three-minutes (3) per person, depending on the number of individuals wishing to speak.



Please give completed form(s) to the Facilitator for inclusion in the meeting summary report.