Fire Technical
Advisory Committee
October 9, 2006
1:00 P.M. 1:30
Embassy Suites
3705 Spectrum
Tampa, Florida
Meeting Objective:
1. Attendees
Fire TAC: Nick DAndrea, Chairman
Peter Schwab, Joe Belcher, Hamid Bahadori, Jeff Gross, Brad Schiffer, James Goodloe, Dale Greiner.
2. Discussed and provided recommendation on the following requests for Declaratory Statement:
DCA06-DEC-218 by Paul Dickson, CBO, City of Cape Coral
The TAC did not reach consensus on this request for Declaratory Statement. There were two motions on the subject. Both motions resulted in a tie. The first motion was to go with staff recommendation and the vote was 4 yeas and 4 nay. The second motion was to state that buildings are not on the same lot, and for that reason they should be treated as separate buildings. This is in accordance with s. 503.1.3 of the Florida Building Code. The project in question as proposed does not agree with the fire separation distance required by the code. The vote was 4 yeas and 4 nay.
Walter Smith no longer lives in Florida and has
resigned from being a member of the Fire TAC.
We are requesting recommendations for someone to replace him on the Fire
TAC. The TAC recommended that Joe
Holland of Hoover Treated Wood Products be appointed to replace Mr. Smith. [Commission action is needed.]
4. Adjourned at 1:30 PM.
Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request. Contact the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-2100 or call 850-487-1824