October 14, 2008
Embassy Suites Hotel
3705 Spectrum Boulevard
Tampa , Florida 33612
Voting Members: Tarry Baker, Ed Carson, Jay Dagner, Leonard F. Devine, Jr., Oriol T. Haage, David Rice, Clarence Tibbs, Joe Territo, Dwight Wilkes, Roy Van Wyk.
Call to Order – review/approve agenda and minutes…..Ed Carson, Chairman
8:00 A.M . Meeting Concurrent with the Fire Code Advisory Council. For agenda, see the Fire Code Advisory Council.
10:00 A.M . Meeting Concurrent with the Mechanical TAC on Carbon Monoxide.
* Review and provide recommendations to the Commission to go into a report to the Legislature on any needed changes to the carbon monoxide detector law.
1:00 P.M . Meeting to review and discuss proposed changes to the 2007 Florida Building Code and provide recommendations for consideration by the Florida Building Commission.
* Any new business
* Adjourn