Florida Building Commission

Hurricane Research Advisory Committee

October 2, 2024-1:30 p.m.

This Meeting Will Be Held Via Teleconference/Webinar

Join the Meeting Virtually at: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/533378925

Join the Meeting By Conference Call: United States (toll free) 1 877 309 2073

Access Code/Meeting ID 533-378-925




Workgroup Members

Michael Bourré -Chairman, Sergio Ascunce, Joseph Belcher, David Compton, Dr. Anne Cope, Jeffery Gross, Mark Mikkelson, Craig Parrino, John “Bud” Plisich, Rebecca Quinn, Michael Savage, Brad Schiffer, Jeffrey Schnellmann, Jim Schock, Vince Seijas, and Brian Swope.



Meeting Objectives

ü To Approve Regular Procedural Topics (Agenda and Minutes)

ü To Review and Approve the Research Work Plan for FY 2024/2025

ü To Discuss and Approve Interim Draft Report

ü To Discuss and Identify the Committee’s Next Steps

ü To Hear Public, Committee Member, and Staff Comments


Meeting Agenda

All Agenda Times—Including Public Comment and Adjournment—Are Approximate and Subject to Change


Welcome and Opening Roll Call

A.   Statement of Teleconference Participation Process

B.   Roll Call of Committee Members

C.  Identification of Staff Attendees


Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda


Review and Approval of May 24, 2024, Meeting Minutes


Review and Approval of Research Work Plan FY 2024/2025


Review and Approve Interim Draft Report for Research Project Titled “Reviewing the Standards for Wind-Driven Rain (WDR) Intrusion through Tracks of Sliding Glass Door Systems during Hurricanes.”


Identification and Discussion of Next Steps


Public Comment


Committee Member and Staff Comment





Staff Contacts:

Mo Madani, Technical Director, (850)717-1825 Mo.madani@myfloridalicense.com

Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact Office of Codes and Standards, Florida Building Commission, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 or call (850) 487-1824