Florida Building Commission

Mechanical Technical Advisory Committee

October  11th, 2024

10 A.M. until completion


Join the Meeting Virtually at: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/533378925

Join the Meeting By Conference Call: United States (toll-free) 1-877-309-2073

Access Code/Meeting ID: 533-378-925




TAC Members

David John -Chair, Oscar Calleja, Elizabeth Goll, Daniel Griffin, Gary Griffin, Joe Griner,  Alex Hernandez, Kenny Locke, Don Pittman, Pete Quintela, and Rick Sims.   


Meeting Objectives

ü To review and consider proposed glitch submitted pursuant to Section 553.73(8), Florida Statutes and to provide recommendation to the Commission regarding the proposed glitch that are needed to correct demonstrated conflicts in the 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Code, as applicable.


Meeting Agenda

All Agenda Times—Including Public Comment and Adjournment—Are Approximate and Subject to Change


Welcome and Opening Roll Call

A.   Statement of Teleconference Participation Process

B.    Roll Call of TAC Members

C.   Identification of Staff Attendees


Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda


Review and Approval of September 19th, 2024 Meeting Minutes



To review and consider proposed glitch submitted pursuant to Section 553.73(8), Florida Statutes and to provide recommendation to the Commission regarding the proposed glitch that are needed to correct demonstrated conflicts in the 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Code, as applicable.




Other TAC Business


Public Comment


Member and Staff Comment




Staff Contacts: Norman Bellamy 850-717-1834, Norman.Bellamy@myfloridalicense.com; Mo Madani, Manager, Mo.Madani@myfloridalicese.com. 


Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in alternate format upon request.  Contact Office of Codes and Standards, Florida Building Commission, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 or call (850) 487-1824.