Special Occupancy Technical Advisory Committee

Department of Community Affairs
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd.
Kelly Training Room 305
Tallahassee , Florida 32399
August 12, 2008
9:00 a.m.


Call to order:

Jon Hamrick, Chairman called to order the Special Occupancy TAC at 9:02 am.

The following members were in attendance: Jon Hamrick, Jim Goodloe, Cam Fentriss, Steve Watson, James Gregory, Ralph Clark (alternate for Gene Chalacki) Phillip Wisley, and Bob Prior (alternate for Bob Vincent), and Jim Crochet, quorum was achieved. DCA staff members present were: Bruce Ketcham, Mo Madani, Rick Dixon, Betty Stevens, Joe Bigelow and legal staff Jim Richmond.

The Agenda

The agenda was modified and approved to include the following: Grease Interceptor comment (letter from Gary Kazan), and add comment on Glitch amendment 3145 (from June meeting).

June 2008 minutes:

The June 2008 minutes were modified and approved to correct the attendance as follows: Not present were, Frank Frail, Bob Vincent (add Bob Prior as alternate) and Steve Watson.

The August 2008 Glitch and comments:

The following amendments and comments were submitted for discussion and review changes to the Building code and provide recommendations for consideration by the Commission: #3266, 3291, 3310, 3277, 3346, 3273, 3320 and 3317 (Withdrawn by proponent ).

The consent agenda:

The following amendments were approved on the consent agenda, 3291-Not a Glitch, 3310-Not a Glitch, 3277-Not a Glitch, 3346-not a glitch, and 3317-Glitch

Other Glitch amendment action

3266 Glitch amendment was withdrawn by the proponent, no vote

3320 Glitch amendment was pulled by Jon Hamrick as not being a Glitch because it was a “maintenance” issue, did not fall into the scope of the Florida Building Code, and does not meet the criteria of a Glitch per 553.73.7 - Vote 9-0 was in favor to support of not being a Glitch.

3145 Glitch amendment (June 2008 TAC action) comment, motion to reconsider, later withdrawn, no vote

3062 Glitch amendment (June 2008 Plumbing TAC action) comment taken up by Special Occupancy TAC as agency issue. Grease interceptor, change due to unintended result from the integration of previously adopted Florida-specific amendments with the model code. Voted to recommend added language to 3062, vote in the affirmative, 9-0

New business.

Discussion on replacing new member for DBPR on elevator, chair will recommend Doug Melvin to the Commission for appointment at the August 2008 Commission meeting in Naples .

Skip Gregory discussed future state agency integration and the Building Code relating to the next Glitch cycle. Mr. Gregory will draft proposed language, submit to staff and request a Special Occupancy TAC meeting in October to further discuss this issue.

The chairman discussed the importance of attendance with the committee and explained that 3 missed meetings would result in replacement. The good news is in the future we could have conference calls as long as they are noticed in a timely manor.


With no other business the Special Occupancy TAC was adjourned at 11:30