1. Name and address of project for which the waiver is requested:




Zip Code:

Local Building Department Contact Information

Applicant Information:

2. Name of Applicant. If other than the owner, please indicate relationship of applicant to owner in space provided:

First Name:

Last Name:



Zip code:




Relationship to owner:

Owner Information:

3. Please enter the owner information below. If the owner and the applicant are not the same person, please upload a written authorization by owner in space provided:

Owner First Name:

Owner Last Name:



Zip code:




Written Authorization:

Project and Facility Type:

4. Please check one of the following:

5. Type of facility. Please describe the building (square footage, number of floors). Define the use of the building (i.e., restaurant, office, retail, recreation, hotel/motel, etc.)


warehouse with 2500 sqf with mezzanine

Need Additional Space

Construction Cost:

6. Project Construction Cost (Provide cost for new construction, the addition, or the alteration):



7. Has there been any construction activity on this building during the past three years?

Cost of Construction:

Building Official Recommendation upload:

Construction Status:

8. Project Status: Please check the phase of construction that best describes your project at the time of this application. Describe status.

*Briefly explain why the request has now been referred to the Commission.

Our freight forwarding warehouse is not a public facility, handicap facilities are available on the ground floor. A wheel chair ramp is not necessary.

Requirements to be Waived.

9. Requirements requested to be waived. Please reference the applicable section of Florida law. Only Florida-specific accessibility requirements may be waived.

Issue 1: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other

chair lift


Issue 2: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other Need Additional Space
Issue 3: Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms Minimum height in parking structures Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility Toilet rooms
Private Other Need Additional Space

Grounds for waiver.

10. Grounds for Waiver: The Florida Building Commission may grant waivers of Florida-specific accessibility requirements upon a determination of unnecessary, unreasonable or extreme hardship. Please describe how this project meets the following hardship criteria. Explain all that would apply for consideration of granting the waiver.


We had a fire in 2014 which destroyed 1/3 of our building. We are finally at the end of the rebuild construction and the city wants me to add a wheel chair ramp. We have handicap accessible restrooms and office available on the first floor. There is no need to add a $95,000 wheel chair ramp to my building.

wheel chair ramp is going to cost $94,000. We are a family business and can not spend on something that will NEVER be used

Cost Estimates For Compliance:

Licensed Design Professional Comments.

11. Licensed Design Professional: Where a licensed design professional has designed the project, his or her comments including his or her signature and professional seal MUST be uploaded.

Professional Comments


Comments: Please see attached

Design Professional First Name: Design Professional Last Name: Street Address: City: State:

Zip: Email Address: Phone:

Additional Documentation.

12. Upload Additional Documentation: Please upload any documentation such as plans, photographs and anything that will assist the Council and the Commission to determine the appropriate resolution of your request.