Special Occupancy Technical Advisory Committee




July 27, 2010

9:00 A.M.


Department of Community Affairs
Sadowski Building

Kelly Training Room – 3rd Floor 
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard 
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 

Meeting Objective:

            •Review and approve agenda and minutes

            • Discuss and provide recommendations on proposed code modifications


Technical Advisory Committee ………………………………… Jon Hamrick, Chair
Bob Vincent, Cam Fentriss,  Wayne P. Young, Scott Cannard, Gene Chalecki, Phillip Wisely, James E. Goodloe, Franklin G. Frail, Jim Croche, Mark Boutin


  1. Call to Order, review/approve agenda


  1. Rule Development workshop on Rule 9N-1.001 (Florida Building Code Adopted) for the purpose of discussion, accept public input, and to provide recommendations on the proposed code modifications for the 2010 update to the Florida Building Code:

Please see the following link



  1. Adjourn.


Prepared by Florida Building Codes and Standards Office – 850.487.1824