Energy Technical Advisory Committee




August 25, 2010

8:00 A.M.


Gainesville, Florida

Hilton Hotel

1714 SW 34th St




Meeting Objective:

            •Review and approve agenda

            • Discuss and provide recommendations on proposed code modifications


Technical Advisory Committee members present: Dale Greiner, Chair

Ron Bailey, Brent Caldwell, Bob Cochell, Philip Fairey, Jan Geyselaers, Larry Maxwell, Rafael Palacios, Roger Sanders, Drew Smith and David Wojcieszak.


  1. Called to Order and reviewed approved agenda


2.      The TAC held a Rule Development workshop on Rule 9N-1.001 (Florida Building Code Adopted) and took actions on 107 proposed code modifications for the 2010 update to the Florida Building Code.  The meeting objectives were achieved


3.      Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:01PM 



Prepared by Florida Building Codes and Standards Office – 850.487.1824