August 10, 2009


Melbourne, Florida



Facilitation, Meeting and Process Design By



Report By Jeff A. Blair

FCRC Consensus Center

Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium

Florida State University



This document is available in alternate formats upon request to Dept. of Community Affairs,

Codes & Standards, 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, FL 32399, (850) 487-1824.




August 10, 2009



The scope of the Workgroup is to develop recommendations for amending the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction once the US Department of Justice completes its adoption of the next generation of the ADA Accessibility Standards.  The task is to integrate the relevant Florida standards in ss. 553.501-553.513, F.S., into the 2004 ADAAG as adopted by 28 CFR 36 (prospective). Although DOJ's process is not complete, the Workgroup will begin with the 2004 ADAAG and modify the new draft FACBC to reflect DOJ's amendments when those are available.


The process for developing the new Accessibility Code will be divided into major tasks as follows:


Task 1:

Integration of Florida standards located in the current Florida Accessibility Code into sections of the 2004 ADAAG that have a one for one parallel section.


Task 2:

Deciding what to do with Florida standards that are in sections/subsections of 1994 SAD that do not have a one for one parallel section in the 2004 ADAAG.


Task 3:

Integration of Florida standards into new sections in the 2004 ADAAG that have no parallel in the Florida Accessibility Code (e.g., recreational facilities).


Task 4:

Revising the draft Florida Accessibility Code based on the 2004 ADAAG for changes made by DOJ in its rule making.


Workgroup Adopted Project Strategy

The Workgroup voted unanimously, 18 - 0 in favor, to integrate all current Florida Specific requirements into the Proposed DOJ SAD (Standards for Accessible Design), June 2008, and concurrently evaluate and make recommendations on the Florida Specific requirements and ancillary topics, with recommendations forwarded to the Legislature for enhancements or removal of specific Florida requirements and ancillary issues.


At Meeting I the Workgroup was asked as a threshold question whether to proceed with consideration regarding integrating the Florida Specific requirements into the DOJ SAD, June 2008 or delay pending completion of rulemaking.


Workgroup Action:

Motion—The Workgroup voted unanimously, 18 - 0 in favor, to move forward with developing the

new Florida Accessibility Code without delay.

Raul L. Rodriguez, AIA, Chair of the Florida Building Commission, made the following appointments to the Florida Accessibility Code Workgroup. Members are charged with representing their stakeholder group’s interests, and working with other interest groups to develop consensus package(s) of recommendations for submittal to the Commission.


Donald Dawkins*, Bemmie Eustace, Kiko Franco, Skip Gregory, Jeff Gross, Jon Hamrick,

Jack Humburg, Diana Ibarra, Julia Kates, Chris Masal*, Sharon Mignardi, John O'Conner*,

Barbara Page, Catherine Powell, Ben Ritter, Larry Schneider, Jim Schock, Shelly Siegal, Julie Shaw*, Randy Vann, Steve Watson, and Phillip Wisely.

*(Note: membership list is updated to include August 11, 2009 appointments)





Opening and Meeting Attendance

The meeting started at 1:00 PM, and the following Workgroup members were present:

Bemmie Eustace, Jeff Gross, Jon Hamrick, Jack Humburg, Julia Kates, Barbara Page,

Catherine Powell, Larry Schneider, Jim Schock, Shelly Siegal, and Steve Watson


Members Absent:

Kiko Franco, Skip Gregory, Diana Ibarra, Sharon Mignardi, Ben Ritter, Randy Vann, and

Phillip Wisely.


DCA Staff Present

Rick Dixon, Bruce Ketcham, and Mary Kathryn Smith.


Meeting Facilitation

The meeting was facilitated by Jeff Blair from the FCRC Consensus Center at Florida State University. Information at:


Project Webpage

Information on the project, including agenda packets, meeting reports, and related documents may be found in downloadable formats at the project webpage below:



Agenda Review and Approval

The Workgroup voted unanimously, 11 - 0 in favor, to approve the agenda as presented including the following objectives:


ü      To Approve Regular Procedural Topics (Agenda and Summary Report)

ü      To Review Draft Integration of Florida Specific Requirements

ü      To Discuss and Evaluate Level of Acceptability of Draft Integration into SAD

ü      To Discuss Project Tasks and Identify Needed Information and Assignments

ü      To Consider Public Comment

ü      To Identify Needed Next Steps and Agenda Items for Next Meeting



April 6, 2009 Facilitator’s Summary Report Approval

Jeff Blair, Commission Facilitator, asked if any members had corrections or additions to the

April 6, 2009 Report, and none were offered.

The Workgroup voted unanimously, 11 - 0 in favor, to approve the April 6, 2009 Facilitator’s

Summary Report as presented.



Review and Discussion of Draft Integration of Florida Specific Requirements into SAD

·    Review of the integration of ss.553.502-553.508 (except parking) into the 2004 ADAAG

·    Review of the integration of parking, ss.553.5041 and 553.511, into the 2004 ADAAG

·    Discussion on integration of vertical accessibility, s.553.509, into the 2004 ADAAG

During Meeting I (February 2, 2009), The Workgroup voted unanimously to integrate all current Florida Specific requirements into the Proposed DOJ SAD, June 2008, “Proposed ADA Standards for Accessible Design”. During Meeting II (April 6, 2009) Members were requested to identify, discuss and evaluate a range of options regarding the integration of Florida Specific Requirements into SAD. For each of the Florida Specific Requirements, member’s were asked to identify a range of potential options for the Workgroup to consider. A preliminary list of options were proposed by members as a pre-meeting assignment, and the Workgroup was requested to discuss and add any additional relevant options they

deemed appropriate. Options with 75% or greater number of 4’s and 3’s in proportion to 2’s and 1’s shall be considered consensus recommendations. Members of the public were also invited to provide feedback and options for evaluation. Between meetings Workgroup members were requested to send their proposed options to Jeff Blair for compilation in the "Florida Specific Requirement Integration Draft".


During Meeting III (August 10, 2009) members continued the process of reviewing options for the integration of Florida Specific Requirements into the Proposed DOJ SAD, June 2008. Members reviewed remaining Florida Specific requirements and parking requirements. The Vertical Accessibility requirements integration options will be reviewed at the October 12, 2009 meeting.


The Results of the Options Ranking Exercise are included as Attachment 3 of this Report.

(Attachment 3—Key to Options and Options Evaluation Exercise Results)



Discussion of Project Tasks and Identification of Assignments

Members were asked to review key project tasks and to identify any needed documents/information.

In addition, members of the public were invited to provide comments on same.



General Public Comment

Members of the public were invited to provide the Workgroup with comments.

There were no general public comments provided. Members of the public were provided opportunities spoke on each of the substantive discussion issues before the Workgroup.


Review of Workgroup Delivery and Meeting Schedule

The Workgroup’s meeting schedule for 2009 is as follows:

February 2, April 6, August 10, and October 12, 2009.



Next Steps

Staff will prepare a draft integrating Florida Specific Requirements as revised by the Workgroup.

At the next meeting the Workgroup will review, evaluate and decide on integration of vertical accessibility requirements and the final integration draft.




Staff to prepare revised draft integrating Florida Specific Requirements into the Proposed ADA Standards for Accessible Design, and a guide (key) to comment locations.




The Workgroup voted unanimously, 11 – 0 in favor, to adjourn at 5:10 PM.





Average rank using a 0 to 10 scale, where 0 means totally disagree and 10 means totally agree.


1.          Please assess the overall meeting.

9.50     The background information was very useful.

9.25     The agenda packet was very useful.

9.25     The objectives for the meeting were stated at the outset.

9.25     Overall, the objectives of the meeting were fully achieved.


2.         Do you agree that each of the following meeting objectives was achieved?

9.25     Review of Draft Integration of Florida Specific Requirements.

9.25     Evaluation of Level of Acceptability of Draft Integration into SAD.

9.25     Discussion of Project Tasks and Identification of Information Development Needs.

9.25     Identification of Next Steps.


3.         Please tell us how well the Facilitator helped the participants engage in the meeting.

9.75     The members followed the direction of the Facilitator.

9.75     The Facilitator made sure the concerns of all members were heard.

9.25     The Facilitator helped us arrange our time well.

9.75     Participant input was documented accurately.


4.         Please tell us your level of satisfaction with the meeting?

9.50     Overall, I am very satisfied with the meeting.

9.50     I was very satisfied with the services provided by the Facilitator.

9.50     I am satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.


5.         Please tell us how well the next steps were communicated?

9.25     I know what the next steps following this meeting will be.

9.25     I know who is responsible for the next steps.



6.         What did you like best about the meeting?



7.   How could the meeting have been improved?

No comments offered.




Public Meeting Attendance



Dana Sloan

Julie Shaw

Kristi Chaponan

Angela Van Etten

David Milligan

Donald Dawkins

Patrick McCallisters






Members were asked to provide recommendations for integrating the 19 Florida Specific Requirements into the DOJ SAD, June 2008. The draft of the proposed integration, and a Draft with the Workgroup's comments and actions from the August 2009 meeting, may be viewed on the project webpage as follows:





Section 101.2  Barrier Removal                                                                      P. 2


Section 101.4  Code construction                                                                   P.2


Section 201.1 Dates                                                                                       P. 16


Section 202.1  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 16


Section 202.1.1           Churches                                                                                 P. 16


Section 202.1.1           Alterations                                                                               P. 16


Section  202.1.1Conflict with law                                                                   P. 17


Section 202.3  Alterations                                                                               P. 17


Section 202.3  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 17


Section 202.3  Parking scope                                                                          P. 17


Section 202.4  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 17


Section 203.1  Construction sites                                                                    P. 18


Section  203.3 Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 18


Section 203.4  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 18


Section 203.5  Vertical accessibility                                                                P.  18


Section 203.6  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 19


Section 203.7  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 19


Section 203.8  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 19


Section 203.9  Vertical accessibility                                                                P. 19


Section 203.10            Vertical accessibility                                                               P. 19


Section 203.11  Vertical accessibility                                                              P. 20


Section 203.12  Vertical accessibility                                                              P. 20


Section 203.13  Vertical accessibility                                                              P. 20


Section 203.14  Vertical accessibility                                                              P. 20


Section 203.15  Vertical accessibility                                                              P. 20


Section 206.1.1  Residential elevators                                                             P. 21


Section 206.2.3  Accessible route                                                                   P. 22


Section 206.2.7  Accessible route                                                                   P. 23


Section 207.2.7  Accessible route                                                                   P. 23


Section 206.2.4  Vertical accessibility                                                             P. 25


Section 206.2.5 4.  Renumbering                                                                    P. 25


Section 206.4.5  Tenant spaces                                                                                   P. 28


Section 207.1  Accessible means of egress                                                      P. 30


Section 207.2  Platform lifts                                                                            P. 31


Section 208.1.1  Parking                                                                                 P. 31


Section 208.2.3  Residential parking                                                               P. 32


Section 208.3.1  Parking spaces                                                                      P. 33


Section 208.3.3  Parking                                                                                 P. 34


Section 208.3.4  Parking                                                                                 P. 34


Section Parking and loading zones                                                  P. 35


Section 217.1  Public telephones                                                                    P. 41


Table 224.2  Hotel guest rooms                                                                      P. 48


Section 227.2  Check out aisles                                                                                   P. 50


Section 233.3.6  Toilet room door width                                                        P. 55


Section 240.1  Play equipment                                                                                    P. 59


Section 303.4  Ramps                                                                                     P. 62


Section 404.1 Door width                                                                              P. 73


Section 405.7.3  Ramp landing length                                                             P. 82


Section 406.1.2  Numbering                                                                            P. 84


Section 406.3  Sides of Curb Ramps                                                               P. 84


Section 502.1.1  Parking                                                                                 P. 101


Section 502.2                                                                                                  P. 101


Figure 502.2  Parking space                                                                            P. 102


Figure 502.3   Parking space                                                                           P. 102


Figure 9(a)  Parking                                                                                         P. 103


Section 502.3.5  Parking space                                                                                    P. 104


Section 502.8  Parking                                                                                                P. 104


Section 505.10.1.1  Ramp extensions                                                              P. 110


Section 1001  Amusement rides and parks                                                      P. 170