Meeting I—October 14, 2008—Tampa, Florida

Embassy Suites Hotel; 3705 Spectrum Boulevard, 33612; 1.813.977.7066


Meeting Objectives

ü      To Approve Regular Procedural Topics (Agenda)

ü      To Hear an Overview of the Workgroup’s Scope and Charge

ü      To Review Workgroup Procedures, Guidelines, and Decision-Making Requirements

ü      To Identify Issues and Options Regarding Implementing Labeling Requirements for Soffit Systems

ü      To Discuss and Evaluate Level of Acceptability of Proposed Options

ü      To Consider Public Comment

ü      To Identify Needed Next Steps and Agenda Items for Next Meeting

All Agenda Times—Including Public Comment and Adjournment—Are Subject to Change


Meeting Agenda

10:00         Welcome and Opening

                  Review of Soffit Systems Workgroup Scope

                  Introductions and Workgroup Members’ Expectations for Success

                  Agenda Review and Approval

                  Review of Commission’s Workgroup Meeting Guidelines, Consensus-Building and

                  Decision-Making Process, and Sunshine Requirements

                  Identification of Issues for Evaluation Regarding Soffit System Labeling


                  Identification and Evaluation of Options Regarding Designing and Implementing

                  Labeling Requirements for Soffit Systems


                  Discussion, Identification and Evaluation in Turn of Options Regarding

                  Possible Labeling Requirements for Soffit Systems

                  General Public Comment

                  Review of Workgroup Delivery and Meeting Schedule

                  Next Steps

12:00         Adjourn               


Contact Information and Project Webpage

Jeff Blair; 850.644.6320; jblair@fsu.edu ; http://consensus.fsu.edu/FBC/soffit.html



Soffit Systems Workgroup Members

Joe Belcher, Bob Boyer, Joe Breese, Rusty Carroll, Matthew Dobson/Dave Johnston (member and alternate), Jamie Gascon, Wendell Haney, Allen Hoying, Do Kim, Lance Olsen,

Paul Radauskus, Tim Reinhold, Neil Sexton, and Jim Schock.




Chairman Rodriguez announced that at the request of stakeholders the Commission is convening a Soffit Systems Workgroup. The Workgroup will work with affected stakeholder interests in a facilitated workgroup      process to evaluate and build consensus on recommendations regarding labeling requirements for soffit systems in the Florida Building Code.





ü      The Workgroup process is an opportunity to explore possibilities. Offering or exploring an idea does not necessarily imply support for it.

ü      Listen to understand. Seek a shared understanding even if you don’t agree.

ü      Be focused and concise—balance participation & minimize repetition. Share the airtime.

ü      Look to the facilitator(s) to be recognized. Please raise your hand to speak.

ü      Speak one person at a time. Please don’t interrupt each other.

ü      Focus on issues, not personalities. Avoid stereotyping or personal attacks.

ü      To the extent possible, offer options to address other’s concerns, as well as your own.

ü      Represent and communicate with member’s constituent group(s).



ü      Design and facilitate a participatory task force process.

ü      Assist participants to stay focused and on task.

ü      Assure that participants follow ground rules.

ü      Prepare agenda packets and provide meeting summary reports.



ü      Speak when recognized by the Facilitator(s).

ü      Offer one idea per person without explanation.

ü      No comments, criticism, or discussion of other's ideas.

ü      Listen respectively to other's ideas and opinions.

ü      Seek understanding and not agreement at this point in the discussion.



ü      Determines the speaking order.

ü      Participant raises hand to speak. Facilitator(s) will call on participants in turn.

ü      Facilitator(s) may interrupt the stack (change the speaking order) in order to promote discussion on a specific issue or, to balance participation and allow those who have not spoken on an issue an opportunity to do so before others on the list who have already spoken on the issue.


During the meetings, members will be asked to develop and rank options, and following

discussions and refinements, may be asked to do additional rankings of the options if requested by members and staff. Please be prepared to offer specific refinements or changes to address your reservations. The following scale will be utilized for the ranking exercises:




4 = acceptable,  I agree

3 = acceptable, I agree with minor reservations

2 = not acceptable, I don’t agree unless major reservations addressed

1 = not acceptable




The Workgroup will seek to develop a package of consensus-based recommendations for submittal to the Florida Building Commission.  General consensus is a participatory process whereby, on matters of substance, the members strive for agreements which all of the members can accept, support, live with or agree not to oppose.  In instances where, after vigorously exploring possible ways to enhance the members’ support for the final decision on a recommendation, and the Workgroup finds that 100% acceptance or support is not achievable, final decisions will require at least 75% favorable vote of all members present and voting.  This super majority decision rule underscores the importance of actively developing consensus throughout the process on substantive issues with the participation of all members and which all can live with.  In instances where the Workgroup finds that even 75% acceptance or support is not achievable, publication of recommendations will include documentation of the differences and the options that were considered for which there is more than 50% support from the Workgroup.


The Workgroup will develop its recommendations using consensus-building techniques with the assistance of the facilitator.  Techniques such as brainstorming, ranking and prioritizing approaches will be utilized.  Where differences exist that prevent the Workgroup from reaching a final consensus decision (i.e. with support of at least 75% of the members) on a recommendation, the Workgroup will outline the differences in its documentation.


The Workgroup’s consensus process will be conducted as an open process consistent with applicable law.  Workgroup members, staff, and facilitator will be the only participants seated at the table. Only Workgroup members may participate in discussions and vote on proposals and recommendations. The facilitator, or a Workgroup member through the facilitator, may request specific clarification from a member of the public in order to assist the Workgroup in understanding an issue. Observers/members of the public are welcome to speak during the public comment period provided at each meeting, and all comments submitted on the public comment forms provided in the agenda packets will be included in the facilitator’ summary reports.


Facilitator will work with staff and Workgroup members to design agendas that will be both efficient and effective.  The staff will help the Workgroup with information and meeting logistics.


To enhance the possibility of constructive discussions as members educate themselves on the issues and engage in consensus-building, members agree to refrain from public statements that may prejudge the outcome of the Workgroup’s consensus process.  In discussing the Workgroup process with the media, members agree to be careful to present only their own views and not the views or statements of other participants. In addition, in order to provide balance to the Workgroup process, members agree to represent and consult with their stakeholder interest groups.


The Florida Building Commission and the Soffit Systems Workgroup encourage written comments—All written comments will be included in the meeting summary report.




Meeting Date:                                                                      


Please make your comment(s) as specific as possible, and offer suggestions to address your concerns.


Please limit comment(s) to topics within the scope of the Workgroup, and refrain from any personal attacks or derogatory language.


The facilitator may, at his discretion, limit public comment to a maximum of three-minutes (3) per person, depending on the number of individuals wishing to speak.



Please give completed form(s) to the Facilitator for inclusion in the meeting summary report.