Florida Building Commission
Fire Technical Advisory
concurrent with the
Electrical Technical
Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
Teleconference Meeting from Tallahassee, Florida
1. Please join my
2. Join the
conference call:
United States (toll-free): 1 866 899 4679
Meeting ID / Access Code: 726-254-373
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
FIRE TAC Members: Hamid Bahadori, Chair, Tony
Apfelbeck, Joe Belcher, Jeffery Gross, Robert Hamberger, Joe Holland, Brad
Schiffer, James R. Schock, and Peter T. Schwab. |
TAC Objectives |
Ø To review
and accept final draft report for research project titled “Economic Impact
Analysis and Evaluation of Property Insurance Rate Impact Resulting from
Potential Changes to the Florida Building Code form the ICC Base Code
Provisions.” Ø To recommend
and discuss potential research topics for consideration by the Building
Commission Ø To
consider and discuss DS 2018-043 by Allen R. Finfrock of Finfrock DMC(separately) |
Meeting Agenda |
Objective |
Review of objectives
will include the following: Description of issue, discussion by
TAC, public comment, TAC action |
1) |
Welcome and Opening, Roll Call |
2) |
Review and Approval of Meeting Agenda |
3) |
and Approval of June 25, 2018 Meeting Minutes
4) |
To review and accept final draft report for research project titled “Economic Impact Analysis and Evaluation of Property Insurance Rate Impact Resulting from Potential Changes to the Florida Building Code form the ICC Base Code Provisions.” (concurrently with Electrical TAC) Draft Report |
5) |
To recommend and discuss potential research topics for
consideration by the Building Commission(concurrently with Electrical TAC) |
6) |
To consider and discuss DS 2018-043 by Allen R.
Finfrock of Finfrock DMC(separately)
7) |
Other TAC Business |
8) |
Comment |
9) |
Comment |
10) |
Roll Call |
11) |
Adjourn |
Staff Contacts: Robert Benbow, Robert.benbow@myfloridalicense.com, (850) 717-1828; Mo
Madani, Manager, mo.madani@myfloridalicense.comTeleconference Process and Etiquette
URL: (attached) Note: This document is available to any person requiring materials in
alternate format upon request. Contact
Office of Codes and Standards, Florida Building Commission, Department of
Business and Professional Regulation, 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL
32399 or call (850) 487-1824.