The building is a commercial office building being used for adult educational purposes. We have a small nursing school at the property.
Construction Cost:
The alteration will cost us $600. We wish to remove a wall and convert two rooms into one big room.
Please see attached. The plan view will be in other documents.
*Briefly explain why the request has now been referred to the Commission.
In order for us to make any alterations to the building so as to conduct business and be able to use it, the City is requiring that we install an elevator for handicapped access to the second floor. The building never had this requirement before and business was conducted out of it with no issues. The building was constructed within the code requirements at the time of construction. Now that changes are to be made the City wants this installed to bring it up to the current code.
Requirements to be Waived.
Issue 1:
Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms
Minimum height in parking structures
Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility
Toilet rooms
The City wants us to install an elevator to the second floor for handicapped accessibility. The staircase is too narrow to install a chair lift. That option is not available so all that is left is to install the elevator. This will require cutting holes in the floors, new electrical, installation, inspections, new drywall, etc.
Issue 2:
Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms
Minimum height in parking structures
Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility
Toilet rooms
Need Additional Space Issue 3:
Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms
Minimum height in parking structures
Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility
Toilet rooms
Need Additional Space
Grounds for waiver.
Need Additional Space
The cost of the installation of the elevator is extremely expensive and not attainable. It will affect the business. Attached you will find costs for the lifts and cost for the masonry work. The combined costs just for those is almost $50k. This does not include carpentry and electrical. We are estimating that the completed work will reach over $80k.