Facility is a shingle manufacturing plant. Large majority of the space is dedicated to industrial processes. These processes include asphalt coating, granule distribution, shingle processing and storage.There is dedicated office space for employees only and a large,finished product warehouse.The overall manufacturing facility is one floor and the office spaces are two floors.
Construction Cost:
new construction cost is 150+ million dollars
Cost of Construction: Comments: Yes, construction has already started and total cost of project is about 150+ million dollars.
Construction Status:
*Briefly explain why the request has now been referred to the Commission.
We requested Clay county for waiver and they referred us to the commission.
Requirements to be Waived.
Issue 1:
Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms
Minimum height in parking structures
Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility
Toilet rooms
We request that the Florida requirement be waived down to the requirements of the Federal ADA Standards. The design is compliant with Federal ADA Standards without vertical accessibility in the office areas, per Section 206.2.3 of the Federal ADA Standards:
Section 206.2.3
EXCEPTIONS: 1. In private buildings or facilities that are less than three stories or that have less than 3000 square feet (279 m2) per story, an accessible route shall not be required to connect stories provided that the building or facility is not a shopping center, a shopping mall, the professional office of a health care provider, a terminal, depot or other station used for specified public transportation, an airport passenger terminal, or another type of facility as determined by the Attorney General.
Issue 2:
Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms
Minimum height in parking structures
Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility
Toilet rooms
Need Additional Space
Issue 3:
Florida-specific hotel/motel rooms
Minimum height in parking structures
Accessible parking
Vertical accessibility
Toilet rooms
Need Additional Space
Grounds for waiver.
The Commission's current rule, authorized in Section 553.512, Florida Statutes,
provides criteria for granting waivers and allows consideration of unnecessary, unreasonable, or extreme hardship to the applicant if the specific requirements were imposed. The areas in question are private facilities only intended for use by workers operating in the manufacturing facility. See grounds for waiver document in additional documentation for continuation.
The upper structures of this industrial building are heavily restricted for Safety and Security purposes and accessible solely by IKO employees. Waiver for vertical accessibility is requested.
Design Professional First Name:Design Professional Last Name:Street Address:City:State: